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Jeongguk hummed and caressed his hand over Taehyungs milky colored thigh, while kissing his neck

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Jeongguk hummed and caressed his hand over Taehyungs milky colored thigh, while kissing his neck.
The one kissing pull away and look Taehyung up and down, admiring his beautiful body.

"You look so good underneath me Taehyung"
He halfly whispers, a blush spreading to the others cheek.
The brunette stroke his hands against the others skin and go higher up, playing with Taehyung's boxer waist band.

"You want this?"

And in response the dominant out of them get a small nod and he can't help but let out a laugh when Taehyung barwly manage to hide his face with his small hands.

"Y-you know I do"

And with those words Taehyungs boxers slide down, exposing his length to the other.

Jeongguk lightly grin and kiss the inside of Taehyung's thighs.
The feeling leave the youngest whimpering underneath and the lips against his skin make him shudder.
Slowly the lips go lower down and a few moments later they are wrapped around Taehyung's boner, making him grunt.

The brunnete starts to slowly tease Taehyung's tip with his tongue, getting small whimpers in return.
The sounds leaving Taehyung's throat and then lips leave Jeongguk stunned, just like the other time they had done a sexual act.

"Please- ggukie- me want more.."
Taehyung plead, his smaller hand gripping onto the others brown hair.
And the said male listen, starting to move his head up and down the length.
Taehyung curl his toes and let moans slip out from time to time and close his eyes as he let the pleasure well over him.
When the older go quicker and take more of Taehyung into his mouth the bottom of the two whimpers louder, clenching Jeongguk's hair with his balled up fists.
He bite down on his lip harshly, trying to push the urge to cum too early away.
It doesn't take much from Jeongguk's mouth and a minute or two later the brunette swallow the liquid from Taehyung down, looking down at the panting boy with a grin.

"You're surely sensitive, Taetae"
The teasing tone in his voice was more than obvious to Taehyung, making his blush turn a darker shade of red.
The boy catch his breath for a minute and push his hair back, already sweaty.

"N-no you're just too good for me, Jeonggukie hyung"
Jonggukie let out a small laugh and bend down, ending up right at the blondes lips. He lick his own ones as he look at how swollen Taehyung's lower lip is since he bit on it. The oldest is just about to kiss the pair of lips when Taehyung put a hand over the others mouth.

"No. I made a rule."

Jungkook lightly sigh, finding it rather childish.
"And what could that possibly be?"
He say, not looking forward to hearing the stupid rule at all.

Taehyung lightly push his lower lip out, forming a pout on his pretty face.

"The only one allowed to kiss me there is my boyfriend, a- and you're not."

Y'all hungry for smut so I did a lil' sumethin' :,)

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Y'all hungry for smut so I did a lil' sumethin' :,)

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