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jeongguk let the other down and carefully put him down on the bed, earning a cute laugh from him.

"What are we doing in here?"

The brunette open his closet and looked trough his clothes while ignoring the others questions.
Jeongguk's face lights up as he find the perfect outfit for Taehyung and throwing an oversized, buttoned-up shirt and a pair of blue, pretty high waisted short onto the other.
And the boy whine as the soft material hit his face ( obviously that couldn't have hurt him )

"D-don't throw these on me!"

he complain, voice high pitched and annoyed at the other's actions.
jeongguk other hand are rather amused by his own action and have his lips ( naturally glossy and tinted ) crooked into a entertained smile.

"Wear it"

the one he threw- the one that didn't get commanded says before leaving the room to let his sugar boy change by himself.


I'm left totally stunned as Taehyung step out from my bedroom, his outfit looking perfect for him, as if the blue shorts he's wearing were made for his thighs and waist, and his shirt was made to press against his chest in such a beautiful way.

"U-uhm I don't know if this really suits me.."
He say, making me confused to why he could possibly have those thoughts when he's looking this attractive.
"Come over here."
I simply say, and like a puppy Taehyung listens, being in front of me just a few seconds later.
I show him a smile before spinning him around, making his always so pretty laugh be heard trough the living room.

" baby, you look perfect in that "

A small blush is spreading over his nose tip and cheeks, his lips curling into a smile.
I put one of my hands on his cheeks, stroking his skin with my thumb.
"Absolutely stunning."
I whisper, Making the shade of red darker.

"... Really?"

I just nod and let my eyes be blessed by the sight of Taehyung right in front of me, my heart beating faster.

"Really, you're beauty is so beautiful that not even Belle can compare "

I mumble, Taehyung's eyes shining up like a sky with stars, the look in his eyes showing how confident he suddenly was in himself.

"Thank you G-geukkie! "

My darling bubbles and without thinking I wrap my arms around him and pull Taehyung down, setting him down on my lap.
"So gorgeous"

I say, meaning every single word.
Because in my apartment, no bullshit is told.

No shade against my own fanfiction but this shit is scam 💀

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