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double updated because I feel sorry skksk 💀

jeongguk had once again gathered his confidence to invite taehyung over, and the other boy was currently walking beside him, Taehyung's left hand tangled together with Jungkook's right one.

( it looked like those cheeky scenes in romance novels, and lately the two had seemed to act more and more like the couples, cheeks red around each other and eyes sparkling )

The air was getting colder outside— noses pink and dusted with blossom— but neither of the boys minded, their hands kept spreading warmth to one another.

" so, taehyung, would you be fine with me taking you out somewhere? "

jeongguk says with stomach tied in a knot, feeling nervous that the other would reject the invite.

( jeongguk had gathered confidence to ask the blonde since the moment their hands held each other )

taehyung chuckles, lips curving as he nods and lean his head against jeongguk's shoulder that happily supported the blonde mess.

“would love to”

Taehyung sat on the floor, puppy in his lap that were biting on his fingers ( which was nothing but a cute puppy playing ).
Taehyung look up when he notice jeongguk putting another furball down— standing up, and the blonde frown when the other starts walking.

"Where are you going? "

"Bathroom, I will be back in a minute"

Taehyung hums and giggles when he feel paws press against his chest, face snuggling into the brown fur of the pet.

God how he wished he could own a pet — but for now patting jeongguok on the head would have to do — taehyung thought and smiled to himself.

a few minutes pass and Jeongguk's back, jacket once again placed on his shoulders.

“ let's leave, they're closing soon ”

Taehyung sigh, kissing the puppies nose before getting up, brushing his black jeans off due to the fur attached to them.

“ okay, I was getting hungry anyways ”


" Oh God hoseok what the fuck am I supposed to do, I brought taehyung inside my house to have fun watching a movie, not to almost like get a boner whenever he does anything "

jeongguk frustrated groans, leaning against the wall, watching taehyung from afar as he had his eyes glued to the TV-screen, body swirled into a blanket due to him complaining about feeling cold.

" I don't know, drop the pussy attitude or something, might actually help you ”

The brunette click his tongue ( habit ) since his best friends was more than annoying at the moment — even though he almost always was, it would be fucking frustrating when you needed his help but he never helped anyways.

" Damn have fun with Jimin, will text him and tell him to throw you out since you're nothing but dumb ”

The boy say before hanging up, the last sound from the other line was a snicker.
He took a few deep breathe's, hyping himself up ( confident is key, they say ).

jeongguk once again walk over to the couch, and as soon as he sits down he let out a stressed high and brushing his hair back from his face.

"Are you okay?"

taehyung concerned ask the other, brows knit in a frown— and oh god how adorable he looked, like the angels but without the wings and halo. — God such stupid thoughts jeongguk always had, he must sound like a maniac.

"Actually, it depends on you"

jeongguk admit, sitting straight up again and meeting eyes with taehyung, who has his eyes adorably blinking, dark eyelashes curled.

jeongguk suck in a breathe eyes meeting the dark night sky in the blonde's eyes.
a laugh escaping his lips before he speak.

“ this is so fucking stupid but I just love you so much, please be my boyfriend ”


and jeongguk dropped the bomb as hard as i slut drop for namjoon 👼

everyone, were above 10k reads, and I'm so happy that my pretty angels are such nice humans, I truly love you, peasants 💋

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