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Taehyung groaned as he leaned back on his chair, looking at his phone that had a pretty broken screen

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Taehyung groaned as he leaned back on his chair, looking at his phone that had a pretty broken screen.

"Mom, my phone is dumb"

He say and sigh, looking at his mother that just hums while looking at her own phone screen, glasses placed gently over her nosebridge while she's concentrating.

"Get a job and you might be able to buy a new one."
She looks up at her son and sigh, knowing damn well that he don't want to work.
But he needed to learn that money don't grow on trees like fruit do.

"But Yeno got a new phone and he's like, much younger than me!"

The blonde whine, his mother looking up from her screen and giving him a pair of dark eyes.
Even though they were supposed to be threatening Taehyung just didn't back off, he knew his mother too well to give up early.

"Honey, your brother is a year younger than you and got his first phone a month ago, don't dare to complain when you have had yours since three years ago."

Taehyung frustrated looks at her and then get up from his chair while muttering a sour 'fine' before leaving the dinner table.


I put my phone on my desk and wrap a blanket around myself, pouting while face-timing Jimin.
As soon as his face is on the screen I grunt and start to rant.

The time passes and at the top of my screen I see a familiar name pop up, making me huff and then looking at Jimin.

"Ggeuk is calling-"

"Go ahead, hang up"
Jimin butt in before I can even end my sentence and I lightly roll my eyes.

"I'm not hanging up just for some stupid boy that is very, very attractive."

"Right, wouldn't be the first time"

And I feel a slight ache in my chest as Jimin speak, swallowing and being at loss for words when he's clearly being upset and angry for nothing.

"If you're not hanging up I will, have fun talking with Jeongguk."

And without a chance to protest the call is ended, leaving me completely confused by the situation.
Did we just.. Fight?
Because I don't have a good feeling.

I lightly sigh and sniff, holding myself back from getting overwhelmed.
I manage to answer Jungkook's incoming call right in time, putting speaker on.

And just five minutes into the talking Jungkook sigh, cutting our conversation about school off.

"Taehyung what's wrong? You don't seem too cheerful.”

And just those words were enough to send my mind and thoughts back to how Jimin selfishly hung up.
Without noticing it myself my eyes get blurry, and I close them, taking a deep breathe.

"I'm s-sorry Ggukie, I suddenly got a lot of homework or something to do."

I squeak, my voice stuttering the words as I press the red button and hang up.
I push my face into my hands and let out a shaky sigh, feeling cries being ready to leave the back of my throat.

I really didn't want this but I sort of had to so :,(

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I really didn't want this but I sort of had to so :,(

dirty talk | t. ggukWhere stories live. Discover now