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Jeongguk sat across from the other at his kitchen table, watching the younger happily munch on a bowl of fruit

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Jeongguk sat across from the other at his kitchen table, watching the younger happily munch on a bowl of fruit.
It was an adorable sight, Seeing Taehyung's eyes light up everytime he took a bite.
"How is your Korean doing?"
Jeongguk bluntly ask, because he have  noticed that Taehyung feel uncomfortable when he have to speak to others.

"G-good.. I think.."

Jungkook slightly smile, finding the way Taehyung easily stuttered really charming.
But he didn't know why Taehyung was the only person he felt so for. It's strange to him.
But Jungkook was attracted to him for sure, but he didn't know if it was more than that.
Not yet.

I blush as Jeongguk come from behind me, wrapping a blanket around my body. A fluffy one to boot.
"Hopefully you will feel warmer now"

"... Pardon?"
I mutter, a bit unsure of what the other just said.
He chuckle and shake his head lightly, and I watch him in confusion as he spell the word "warmth" out for me.

"Let's just watch the movie"

He mumbles when I a bit confused give him a nod, and he seat himself at the opposite corner of me, looking trough his library of movies.
I slightly nod and smile, the atmosphere being more comfortable than I thought.
I know that I shouldn't have been stressed about coming over to Jeongguk's place, but I really couldn't help it.
I'm scared to mess up and make him hate me.
It's such a common mistake.

I lightly hutter and sniff, a pout forming on my lips as cuddle into the blanket which didn't help us much.
Suddenly I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders and I turn my head, Jeongguk's eyes still focusing on the screen in front of us.
And I can clearly feel my own cheeks glowing red from the sudden action, because having Jeongguk this close, being able to take in the scent of his cologne was enough to make my heartbeat quicken against my ribcage.

"Just for the warmth, I promise"

I bet u surely on my lid and start to fidget with my sleeve underneath the blanket, looking down when as tension build up inside me.

And as if the touch alone wasn't enough I feel light caressing against the material wrapped around my frame.

God, how much I wished for affection, God how much I wished for him to treat me like I was made out of glass.

And he did, as if he had read my thoughts with ease.

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