Chapter Two

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When Peter gets home, Aunt May has been cooking, He can tell because the smell of charred meat is in the air. "May I'm home!" he shouts when he gets in his room, tossing his backpack on the floor; homework can wait.
"Okay honey, I'm cooki- SHOOT!" May groans, "Dang it... The pot roast burnt." How May can burn pot roast is beyond anyone.
"Can we eat out?" Peter yells back.
May shows up at Peter's door waving a rag infront of her face, her glasses fogged up with smoke, "Honey, open your window will you?"
He does.
"And no, we can't eat out but I'll order something, spare Tony Stark of my cooking."
"What??" Tony is coming over? No, I've been trying to avoid him.. he can't know I'm gay... But of course He cannot tell May any of that so Peter just clears his throat and says, "Sorry, I just am surprised is all, I haven't seen him in ages."
"I know that's why I invited him!" She continues shaking the towel, "Well, I, am gonna go open all the windows, and clean out the oven, can you um, clean up a bit?" She guestures to his room and then to Peter, teasingly of course but in another sense she really does want Peter to take a shower. So he does, the water feels so good he just wants to  stay in there for hours.
After he's  finished he gruginly turns off the water and drys himself with a towel. he throws on a red tshirt and blue jeans, Peter doesn't  usually wear stuff like that but since they aren't going anywhere tonight, he does.
Peter had just finished brushing his hair when he heard a knock on the door, Aunt May answered it saying,"Oh Tony, so glad to see you, Peter's excited."
Peter shoved his brush in his drawer and threw his towel up on a hook, he exited his bathroom and took a moment to spruce up his room (mostly shoving everything under his bed) and went out to see Tony. Hopefully he doesn't accidentally spill the beans.
When Peter gets out to the living room, Tony is sitting there with a smile on his face, his green eyes are shining and his black hair, Peter notices, is sightly graying.
"Hello Peter!" Tony says, elated.
"Hi Mr. Stark." Peter doesn't want it to come out as a mumble but it does, May probably sould have warned him that Tony was coming before well, an hour ago. The billionare, genuis looks puzzled at his behavior for a moment before brushing it off with a smile.
"Peter, the um, Pizza Deliverer is here." May waves her hand in front of Peters face, he realizes he was glaring at May. Jeez, get a grip! Peter looks down at his hands and realizes they're clenched, his jaw is locked as well. He stretches his hands out, shaking them and forces a smile, what the hell... It's not May's fault, seriousy get a frickin' grip.
"Y-yeah, sorry." He grabs the money from the table and starts to walk toward the door when Tony gets up.
"Here, let me get this."
"No, no," May says, "I can't possibly let you do that, you're our guest!"
"Seriously, It's no problemo." Tony digs out two one-hundreds to give to the Pizza Guy who looks awed when he says, "Keep the change."
"That was really sweet of you Tony." May smiles, nudging Peter.
"Oh, yeah. V-very nice, thanks." Peter says curtly. May glares and guestures for him to come with her.
"We will be right back Tony, get yourself comfy." May practically drags Peter by his ear into her bedroom. "What the hell? What is wrong with you?!"
"Nothing!" Peter says, he's honestly surprised he's acting like this as well. Peter is a good maneered, kind, funny, and ,well, geeky kid.  He's not usually rude, mean and disrespectful.
"Well, if you don't want to tell me then you don't have to but, if there really is nothing wrong, I suggest you get your act together young man." May tosses her long brown hair over her shoulder and adjusts her glasses, "Just know... I'm here for you okay?"
Peters heart hurts, "Yeah, I know." He smiles genuinly, "Don't worry, nothings wrong."
"Well alright, but we better get out there before Tony eats all the pizza!" They both rush out to see an empty couch.
"Tony?" May asks the empty room.
No response.
"Hm," Peter picks up a note that was resting on the full pizza box, "May, he left a note."
May walks over to read it.
Sorry to leave so soon! Peter, I was hoping to talk to you about school, but I had to run off for Avengers stuff. I'm pretty sure Sam got his head stuck in one of my suits by 'accident.' Anyhow, I hope you and May enjoy the pizza, I'll come by tomorrow probably if that's alright. Just text me!
-Tony Stark
"I have his number May." Peter says, taking the note off the box and basketball-style shooting it into the trash can.
"I'll call him soon," May laughs, "To thank him for not eating our pizza!" Peter smiles, "Hey May?" Peter asks, looking at the time on his phone: 5:37 PM.
"Hmmh?" May doesn't look up from putting the pizza on plates.
"Can I hang out with Ned? At the park?"
"Sure honey," She practically shoved a paper plate at him- "Eat on the road okay? Be back by... nine/ten-ish okay?"
"Yeah, okay." Peter smiles as she ruffles his hair. He slips away into his room grabbing his Spidey suit as he goes, minimizing it and stuffing it into his pocket. "Bye May!" He yells, and jogs out the door not waiting for her response.

Time for a confession.

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