Chapter Six

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The next day Peter is happy, refreshed and yet dreading the next twenty-four hours because today is the day when he comes out to MJ, and maybe, possibly- probably not- Simon Jacob.
Today is the day when he invites Liz, MJ, Simon (maybe) and Ned over to his house to confess his troubles.
Today is the day when he may lose some people.
Today is the day he'll find out who his true friends are, hopefully he'll keep all of them.
Today marks the start of a new mindset.

When he gets to school Ned is there waiting for him at his locker.
To tell or not to tell, that is the question.
"Hey Ned, Wanna come over tonight?"
"Sure! After all, it's friday and you promised!" Ned laughs and pats Peter on the shoulder.
"Yeah, also, you gotta help me- I'm going to come out to MJ, Liz and... Maybe Simon tonight..."
Ned smiles and yells ,"Oh my God you're going to-"
"NED!" Peter covers his mouth and hisses through his teeth.
"Oh right, sorry..." Ned runs his head through his hair and says in a whisper, "You're going to come out to them?!"
"Yes!" Peter laughs, "Now stop freaking out."
"What about the Avengers?" The bell rings and they both head to first hour.
"You know thats a good question that I dont feel like answering right now." Peter laughs, "But I feel like once I come out to my closest friends- it'll be easier to tell the Avengers."
"Okay, just promise you'll tell them at some point ok?" Ned worries.
"Promise." They round the corner to see Flash hanging out with some of his buddies at the water fountain. "Oh dear lord, lets go the other way okay Ned??" Peter tugs on his shirt wanting to get away.
"Peter we can't we'll be late." Ned trudges forward, shrugging at Peter as they walk past Flash. Right when they were almost in the clear, Peter hears Flash's voice, "Hey Penis Parker!"
Peter groans and ignores him.
"Hey, Parker I'm talking to you."
Peter continues walking, luckily they don't have the same class if he get's to his classroom maybe he'll escape his torture for the day.
"I said," Peter feels a tug on his hoddie, choking him, "I'm talking to you."
"Alright, alright," Peter growls getting free, "What."
"Heard you were having people over."
"Yeah, heard you were having Liz over."
"Okay.. so?" Peter runs his hands through his floppy brown hair, "What am I supposed to do about it?"
"You're supposed to invite me."
Peter chuckles, "Yeah you're funny." The bell rings overhead, "Anyways, Ned and I are late to class now thanks to you, so see ya."
Ned turns, Peter following close behind, When all of a sudden Peter gets tugged backward, his spidey-senses late. "Listen Penis, if you don't invite me, I'll-"
"Make me late to class again?" Peter wrentches free of Flash's grasp, "No, I'm leaving and you can't stop me because-" I'm Spiderman
"...Because why?" Flash raises his eyebrows and looks at the clock, "Whatever I'm not wasting another second on your pathetic ass, better invite me, or I'll come anyways."
Peter jogs away with Ned puffing behind him, his backpack bangs against his back, he glances at his watch- four whole minutes late to class.
"Fuck." Ned swears.
"Yeah, what are we even supposed to say?" Peter squeaks.
"I don't know.. Maybe just say we were held up."
"Yeah- he'll believe that." Peter rolls his eyes and quickly enters the classroom. Mr. Blanchard looks up from writing on the board, "Oh Glad to see you'll be joining us today Mr. Parker, Mr. Leeds- Please take your seats."
"I'm sorry we were-"
"I don't need an explination, sit."
The two boys sit, Peter rips his zipper open and grabs his Advanced English Binder stealing a quick glance at MJ who gives him a questioning look.
'Not Now' Peter mouths, then he quickly grabs a pencil and writes down the notes the teacher already has on the board.


The day goes by quickly and without trouble, Lunch  comes around and Peter sits at his normal table, Liz across from him in her usual dressy clothes: a white flowy button up tucked into a blue skirt. Her hair is down and curly, a blue necklace outlines her collarbone.
Ned, sits on his left, in blue jeans, a Star Wars shirt underneath a blue jacket. His brown hair is neatly combed, like always.
MJ sits to his right wearing camo jeans and black combat boots, her black t-shirt has a green skull plastered on it and her hair is in her signature ponytail.
Simon Jacob next to Liz, diagnol to Peter wearing jeans, hot pink, blue and black hightops. His shirt is black with colorful abstract shapes.
Sometimes Simon doesn't sit with them, and Peter was hoping that today would be one of those cases- because he wasn't sure he wanted to invite Simon and tell him about his sexuality. But since he's here, of course Peter isn't going to be rude. Ned gives him a questioning glance, five more minutes until lunch time is over.
"Uh, hey do... do you guys wanna come over after school today?"
Ned smiles, "You already know my answer."
"Yeah, I'm totally in." Liz grins and nudges Simon, "What about you?" Simon shrugs and picks up his PB&J, "I can, I mean, I kinda have homework."
MJ snorts and glances at Peter, "You guys are excatly alike."
"Whatever." Peter rolls his eyes playfully and questions them again, "So, who's coming?"
"Yeah, sounds fun." Liz says, "Ned, MJ and... Simon, right?" She gives him a pleading glance.
"Fine whatever." He says playfully, "You know I'm totally up for it Peter." Simon's lopsided grin makes Peter's stomach flutter and he instantly feels his face burn bright red.
"I- Yeah, yeah, Um, I-"
ring ring
Saved by the bell once again. Peter shakes his head and gathers his food along with everyone else.
"See you in STEM." Simon smiles.
"Y-yeah see you... later."
Ned raises his eyebrows at him and Peter shoots him a mournful glance, they trudge to Physics together in silence. Yes Peter is excited to tell everyone but also scared, I mean who wouldn't be? Even more so now that Simon is going to be there. Maybe he shouldn't tell anyone at all, maybe they should just have a nice pizza dinner, play some video games and just.. talk. Like usual.
But no.
Peter wants- no needs, to tell everyone. Tonight.

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