Chapter Three

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Peter jogs out into the chilly fall air, zipping up his jacket and slipping his headphones in turning up the volume. He skips over "Girls Like You" by Maroon 5 to listen to "I'm a Mess"by Bebe Rexha, shooting a text to Ned in the process.
Peter sings and hums along to the chorus, "Everything's gonna be alright... Everything's gonna be okay..." Hum hum hum...
His phone dings.
Sure, when?
Of course, see you in five.
Peter slinks into an alleyway and sets his bag down, webbing it to the wall behind a trashcan. No one will be stealing his bag now. He slips on his mask, breathing in the farmiliar scent of freedom. Peter tosses his jeans and shirt into his webbed bag and quickly puts his suit on, activating Karen.
Hello Peter, you haven't been in the suit for several days, is anything wrong?
"No, Karen, just stuff."
Alright, well, if you need anything I can always contact May or Mr. St-
"No!" Peter says a little too forcefully, climbing up the side of the building after grabbing his bag that has his much-needed clothes.
Okay Peter. No need to be harsh.
Peter swings through the city, free and happy for once, despite making Karen mad, which Peter feels bad about, and apologizes for.
The empty park comes into view in a few seconds and Peter instantly spots Ned sitting on a bench fiddling with his hands. His soft pudgy body looks so comforting, let's just hope he doesn't recoil at the news. Peter stalls a few seconds before swinging down to meet him. Ned jumps, gripping his chest where his heart is, startled by Peters sudden appearance. Peter takes out his earbuds as Ned starts,
"Dude! You could've told me you would be here as Spidey..." Ned laughs, "I guess I should've known, you're in that thing 25/8." Peter laughs, he always feels at ease with his best friend. He quickly changes into his normal clothes behind a tree, keeping his mask on 'till the last second. He jogs over to sit with Ned and Ned turns toward him and says, "I need to talk to you really fast." At the same time Peter says, "I have to say something." They both chuckle, Peter fidgets with his hands and his zipper on his jacket wishing he brought gloves.
"You go first." Ned smiles.
"No, no you go, seriously."
"Well.. okay, if you're sure?" Ned chuckles nervously.
"Yeah go ahead."
"Well, I just wanted to say that, Peter... I don't know you've just.. kinda been off lately." Ned looks at him with his kind, soft, chocolate eyes with concern. The comftorable feeling, still there, just not as strong.
"I-um, well.." Peter stammers looking for words, what is he supposed to do? Just shout out Hey everyone, I'm gay and have been for a while now sorry I never told you!? Ugh.
"Hey, Pete, I'm always here for you, got that?" Ned smiles at him reassuringly, "Me, Liz, MJ. All of us."
Peter nods, "Y-yeah I know but-"
"Peter..." Ned looks at him, looks at the floor, looks back at him, looks at his hands, "I'm your best friend, I love you! Dude, I frickin' love you, you're the best. But... we... can't keep secrets from each other ya know?"
"Yeah I know..."
"Y-y...yeah." The air around Peter seems to suffocate him, he can't breath, and he quickly becomes dizzy. Peter grips onto Ned for support and he can hear him saying something but its all fuzz at the moment. It feels like he's underwater, trapped under a coral reef, his legs pinned.
"Ned, Ned, Ned.." Peter is saying his name over and over and Ned gets up, letting Peter lay, calming down. Slowly, his senses come to him.
".... Peter? Are you okay?"
He slowly gets up, "Y-yeah, I think so..."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah... yeah I'm sure, Sorry."
"Its okay dude." Ned stands there akwardly, his hands in his pockets. Peter pats the bench.
"I... Okay."
"Huh?" Ned looks at him in confusion.
"You're right I have been acting weird.." Peters eyes sting and he brings his fists up to keep the tears out.
It doesn't work.
While Peter is crying, sitting there in the cold, freezing his ass off, Ned hugs him and tells him it's okay whatever it is. Peter crys harder, his breath coming in short gasps.
"Oh shit- Pete.. Peter, is it May??" Ned stands up and kneels trying to look him in the eyes. Peter just shakes his head, letting Ned let go of the breath he didn't know he was holding in. After a good 10 minutes, Peter finally stops crying, he pulls his hands away from his face, wet. He wipes them off on his jeans and takes several deep breaths, counting backward from 10 in his head.
10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1...
"Okay.." Peter sounds congested, his nose, runny. God he's overreacting he always does... he's kept it quiet for so long how is he just supposed to admit it?
"Hey, Peter I'm here for you okay?"
"Yeah.. yeah."
One breath in.
One breath out.
Butterflys explode in his stomach and he becomes nauseous and dizzy, but he swallows it down.
I'm doing it I'm...
"I'm..." Peter blinks back more tears and looks at Ned in his kind eyes, hoping they'll stay that way.
"I'm..." Peter hesitates, "I'm um, well, I'm um..." It comes out a whisper, "... gay."

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