Chapter Seven

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"So um.. yeah thats.. yeah." Peter brings his knees up to his chin, then puts them back up then back again, he stands and begins pacing.
"Uh, Peter, you okay?" Ned stands.
"Yeah, no I'm fine, fine it's just.. yeah uhm, can I get a response from you guys pl-please?!" Peter wrings his hands and everyone seems to come to life.
"Oh, Peter, I'm sorry I was just thinking..." Liz smiles at him, "I accept you always, you will always be our friend." Liz laughs, making Peter blush and smile, "Th-thanks."
"Well, I already knew." MJ shrugs, bouncing around on an exercise ball.
Peter stops in his nervous pacing and panting, "Wh- you. Wh-" He stammers breathlessly, his eyebrows furrow. "You knew?? How?"
MJ shrugs again, "I'm very observant, and you're pretty obvious about it too."
"I-I was?" Peter's spider senses are out of wack and as he's pacing the floor he becomes dizzy and has to hold on to Ned.
"Yeah, I know who you like too." MJ smirks jokingly, sometimes she can take things a little far. Peter's heart seizes and grips to Ned tighter, knowing he must be hurting him but can't care at the moment.
"Hey dude seriously are you okay?" Ned grips his arm and whispers, "Are you having another panic attack?"
"No I'm fine," Peter says loud enough for everyone to hear, "I just.. My-" Spidey senses are killing me, Peter sways and his hands that have a steady grip on Ned, begin to shake, my head is hurting and now everyone is talking at once and it's making me dizzy so please- "STOP!" Peter freezes, his eyes go wide, he didn't want to shout at everyone.
"Peter?" Simon stands up, "Dude are you-"
"No I-" My spidey senses- "My head-" Is swimming stop crowding me I- "Need air I-" Damnit if only I could talk to everyone about it, I need to- "Talk to Ned, Ned c'mere."
"Okay.." They go out in the hall and instantly Peter feels better, his hands stop shaking and his head clears, the spidey senses reducing to a slight buzz. He breathes a sigh of relief.
"Okay," Ned looks Peter in the eyes, "What was that?"
"Okay, okay, sorry- It's just no one else knows about me being," Peter reduces to a small voice, "Spiderman, and my spidey senses were seriousy kicking up for some reason. B-but I'm better out here, I'm not having a panic attack because I came out to them it was just.. getting stuffy.."
"Oh, well, if we go back in will it...?" Ned guestures wildly with his hands indicating Peter's wildly unpredictable spidey sense.
"Yeah, yeah it will- so I need you to go get something for me. Grey desk, top drawer, a bottle of pills that Mr. Stark and Mr. Banner made for me in case stuff like this ever happened. Get the whole bottle and bring it out to me please."
"I can't believe I'm going to hold something that was made by the real Tony Stark!!" Ned whisper-shouts as he walks back into the room, Peter shuts the door behind him with a sigh.
Thinking of Tony and the rest of the Avengers made Peter anxious, he was so rude to Tony when he came over, and he really wants to tell him. He runs his strong hands through his soft brown hair and fidgets with his watch that Tony Stark gave him, wishing he could just call him up right now.
Ned inches through the door, tossing Peter his meds, "Here, then after we can go back in right? Because everyone has questions and..." He trials off and looks at Peter, pointing to the bottle, "So.. what's in there?"
Peter opens the bottle, "Looks like a regular pill, but actually..." Peter's tounge sticks out as he tears the outer wall of what looks like a pill.
"Dude- you're just supposed to swallow them ya know?" Ned looks around hoping May won't pop up asking why they were out there.
"I know just... not these... hold on," It tears finally and out pops a mini spider- not a real one of course, "Jesus, Mr. Stark is sooo extra." Peter takes the spider and clicks a button on its back, it whirs for a moment and he sets it on the back of his neck; The spider-bot sinks into his skin, causing Peter to slightly wince, and its gone.
"Woah what- that's awesome dude, and kinda creepy... and I wanna know how that works-" Ned starts.
"Well I'll tell you later okay buddy?" Peter says, already starting to feel better.
"Well, now are you ready to go back in?" Ned asks impatiently- wanting to know more about the bot but also wanting to get back to his friends.
"Yeah, yeah," Peter jumps up from the floor and opens the door, "After you."
Ned smirks and walks in sitting on the bed, Peter takes a deep breath and enters his bedroom.

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