Chapter Nine

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After that wonderful night with Simon, Peter dreaded the days ahead. Of course he was soooo ready to just straight up walk out of the closet and get it over with but God, he just doesn't know how much of Flash he can take.
"Hey Penis!" Flash slaps Peter's back and makes Peter stumble, "Your lips are a little swollen- who'd you make out with huh? Your dead mom?" Peter boils. His hands form into fists and he drives through, hitting Flash's jaw with a satisfying crack. Flash falls backward, his hands coming up to block anymore hits, but Peter just turns and walks away. That day, Peter has detention. With who? You guessed it: Flash. But also, surprisingly Simon.
"What are you here for?" Peter leans over to Simons desk.
"I back talked a teacher. He was saying that gay people shouldn't have rights- he said it as a joke but... ya know..."
Peter nods and bites his lip.
"You?" Simon asks, concerned.
Peter nods to Flash who's glaring at the pair of them, Simon winks at him and laughs at Flash's disgusted face.
"Listen..." Peter sniffs, "I'm coming out."
"That's great!!" Simon smiles and his hand brushes Peters thigh making Peter blush.
"Yeah but... I don't think we can hang out anymore... after that... I wouldn't want to... ya know."
"Yeah.. well I'll bet I can work up the courage."
"Can you?" Peter winks.
"Of course..." Simon leans in a little further and pretends to tell Peter a secret, but kisses him right below his earlobe instead. Peter shivers and gets a little hard. "Fuck.. Simon..." Peter can feel himself getting red, "You can't do that stuff here..."
"Fine then.. after detention.. gym- boys locker room- back closet. No one ever goes in there."
Peter's eyes widen and he nods, just hoping Flash didn't see that exchange. And then after we have what could be known as sex in a janitors closet... I'll go home and tell the Avengers what I am... Peter smiles, glad that he doesn't have to do it alone- Mr. Stark will be there.
Peter exits the janitorial closet flushing and panting, he smiles at Simon and laughs as he struggles to pull up his pants.
"What you're leaving?" Simon frowns slightly and stands, buckling his jeans.
"Uh. Yeah. I have to get home the A- my Aunt will be expecting me." Peter blushes and helps Simon out of the closet, "I wanna stay but..." He gestures to his phone that is now in his hand, "I'm already getting text messages..."
"Yeah I get it." Simon reaches for him and kisses his cheek, "Well.. cya tomorrow then."
Peter smiles and waves, walking away with a newfound pep in his step.
Peter stands before the Avengers, he had just announced that he needed to say something, and they're waiting for him to say it. But he can't. Peter.. you've done this several times just do it! Peter shakes his head and gives a pained smile when Tony nods, reassuring him and giving him the go ahead.
"Okay um." Peter takes a deep breath. "Well. I understand that you might not w-want me on the t-team if I-I" Damnit Parker stop stammering! "Tell you this but... Well whatever I'm just gonna say it- I'm gay."
Steve cocks his head and ponders what Peter has said. Natasha doesn't look shocked in the slightest- makes sense, she pays attention to small details. Clint looks slightly surprised but more so of an "oh I knew I just wasn't completely for sure." Wanda looks baffled and Bucky is smiling. Thor and Bruce are smiling at each other and then up at Peter. The rest of the Avengers just are kinda.. sitting there. And Peter smiles, "Uh so yeah." He turns to leave, and then hears a multitude of voices and scraping chairs. Peter turns to see a giant group hug forming around him and chokes back tears, "Thanks guys.."
Tony smiles at him from outside the hug and laughs when Thor brings him in. Peter hears shouts of joy and encouraging words coming from his allies. He couldn't be happier.

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