Chapter Four

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Ned looks confused, "What? What did you say?"
Peter's eyes flood with tears that he can't hold back, and begins to cry once more.
"Wh- Peter?!" Ned hugs him, letting him sob into his shoulder.
"I s-said..." He gasps, "I said I-I'm g-ga-y." Peter's voice cracks but Ned still hears it. He hold his arms out making Peter look him in the eye.
"Did you just say.."
"Yes! Alright! I said it!" Peter jumps up, getting ready to run when all of a sudden Ned grabs his arm. Peter spins around to face Ned, a stricken expression plastered onto his face.
"Peter!?" Ned shakes his head, "What.. When.. How? I'm so confused right now, but listen I'm still here, I'm still your friend. Who have you told?"
Tears stream down Peters face as he shakes his head.
"No one else?"
"N-no." Peter sits back down on the bench and lets Ned's big arms infold him in a giant bear hug.
"Wow, I'm honored Peter. Really, wow. But... How.. How long have you known?"
Peter hiccups, calming down, "Since seventh grade.."
"Wow..." Ned whispers.
"I know, I should've told you- or someone- befo-"
"No? What? Peter, you can come out whenever you want to!" Ned laughs, "I'm glad you came out to me, let alone the whole school."
Peter scrambles out of Ned's arms, "Wh-What?"
"Oh... are you not... telling anyone else?"
Peters brown eyes are stricken with fear, his heart races and he begins to get dizzy again. He just shakes his head and sits back down, clutching his stomach.
"Oh... What about May?"
"Oh... MJ?"
"No!" Peter leans his head on Neds shoulder and whispers, "No..."
"W... So... I'm the only one?" Ned musses Peters floopy brown hair.
He shrugs, "Yeah, for now at least."
"What about the Avengers?"
Peter sighs, "I hadn't even thought of that... I know most of them will be accepting I just don't know how to tell them.. or Mr. Stark. He came to my house today and I acted like a total douch..."
"Well, you can tell them by saying, 'I'm gay.' and I'm sure they'll be fine with it, like I am."
Peter chuckles at his friends joke, "Thanks, Ned. You... I don't know what I'd do with out you."
"Yeah well, Thats why we're best friends!" He smiles.
"So.. you're not like uncomftorable or anything?"
"Nope, I'm totally fine with it, you're still Peter." Ned adds in a whisper, "And SpiderMan." They chuckle but Ned can tell Peter is still distraught. "Whats up, Pete."
"I- Well, I just... I'm super relieved but I know for a fact that not everyones going to react like you did. And I'm not worried about MJ, but I am about.. Flash knowing and Ma-y." A tear slips down Peters flushed cheeks again and he quickly wipes it away, yeah- hes super frickin' relieved that it's finally out there but did he want to be gay? Not exactly, Peter feels like it's in his DNA... he decides he's going to look it up when he gets home.
"Well, Yeah. But I guess that's life- don't worry I'll be here the whole time." Ned stands up, "Can I come over or.."
"I think it's just good tht we go home, It's cold and now I'm tired but Friday- 'kay?" Peter's ears are cold and he cups his hands around them.
"Yeah, sure, We'll talk some more then." Ned gives Peter a final hug and walks off waving.
Peter waves back and slips his mask on, and swings home, the rush of adreniline perices through his brain and bones taking away his troubles. Until he gets back on the ground.
"May I'm hom-e." His voice cracks and he feels like crying again, maybe he should tell May, just to get it out of the way.
"Okay hun I-" May see's Peter in the doorway, shoulders slumped, bag carlessly dragged in behind him, red-rimmed eyes and messed up hair. "Oh... Peter.. What?" May rushes over to him dropping a plastic container she was just washing onto the wood floor. She hugs him but he doesn't hug back, Peter is exausted and lonely and sad despite telling Ned his deepest darkest secret.
"Peter, honey, what's wrong, what happened?" May guides him over to the couch and sits him down, he instantly falls over, face down and begins to sob. Big dry-heaving sobs that he cannot hold down. He's overreacting once again. But he doesn't care because he just... doesn't want to carry on with this weight anymore.
Does Peter want to be gay?
Does Peter want to feel this way?
Does Peter want to tell May, all his friends and the Avengers?
HELL no.
Does Peter want to endure the bullying from Flash at school?
Definitely a no.
Does Peter wish that he could just die?
.... a tiny voice inside him says, Yes.

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