Chapter Eight

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Peter wakes up with the sun in his eyes, everyone is asleep except for MJ.
"So.." MJ  says, "You like Simon?"
Peters eyes widen and he covers her mouth, whisking her outside into the hallway.
"Shhh!" Mj rolls her eyes from behind Peters hand and licks him. "Wh- Mj!" Peter wipes his hand on his pajama pants and glares at her. "Really MJ?" MJ laughs and shakes her head.
"I'm sorry it's just too funny!" She smiles and nudges Peter, "You've been friends with him all this time and been around him and no one could tell- except me but that's only because I'm observant." Peter shrugs, "I don't know i'm just good at hiding who I.. really am I guess." Mj smiles and rolls her eyes, "Yeah well not with me."
"You'd be surprised" He mumbled.
"What was that?" Mj asks, teasing him.
"Oh.. nothing." Peter chuckles nervously.

"Hey Peter?" Aunt Mays voice carries over from the living room into Peters room where they are all seated once again, this time playing a quick game of uno.
"Yeah May?" Peter shouts back.
"Ned's mom is here and so is MJ's dad!"
Ned groans, "Dang it I was about to win!"
Mj rolls her eyes, "Yeah right, you have four cards left!" Ned laughs and stands, his cards flutter to the ground and Peter gets up to hug him and MJ, "See you guys at school."
"Yeah cya!" Ned calls as he picks up his overnight bag and trudges out the door.
"Tell him." MJ whispers to Peter as she walks out the bedroom door.
Peter really wants to pretend that he doesn't know what she's talking about. He swallows, his adam's apple bobbing up and back down.
"Hey Pete?" Simon calls bring Peter back from his trance.
"Oh sorry coming."
"No it's just May said that Liz is leaving." Simon chuckles and Peters face turns red.
Fuck I'm going to be alone with Simon????
.... Im going to be alone with Simon!!
Peter smiles and hugs Liz showing her out the door. Simon glances at his watch, "Just so you know my dad won't be here for like a couple hours if that's okay.." Simon looks up at Peter, "Ya know, work and stuff, I can just walk home though if you have stuff..?"
"Oh uh," Peter clears his throat, "No it's fi- it's good it's good." Simon nods and purses his lips.
Peter sighs, "Sorry."
"For?" He starts to clean up the uno.
"I don't know uh.." Peter shrugs, "For making our friendship awkward."
"But why is it awkward?"
"Because-" Because I like you? Because whenever I look at you my heart explodes? "Well I'm not sure why..." Peter chuckles nervously and looks at the ground.
"I don't know Peter.. why don't you tell me?" Simon stands up, two inches taller than Peter, they're chest to chest.
Peter's heart is pounding and he's sure Simon can hear it. He swallows.
"I-" Peter starts.
Simon hugs him. Tight.
Peter is too stunned to do anything except stand there like an idiot.
"It's okay I'm sorry." Simon let's go, "I just feel bad ya know?"
Peter nods, wide eyed.
"You get it?"
Peter stops and shakes his head, actually super unsure of what Simon is talking about.
"Oh well.. uh I just.. I should've known I guess." Simon stutters.
Peter cocks his head, "What do u mean?"
"Hey Peter?" May pokes her head into Peters room and Peter quickly steps away, his right hand tugging on his earlobe.
"Yeah May?" Peters voice quivers for some reason.
"I'm leaving for work ok?"
"Oh ok, Simons dad won't be here until a couple of hours so I won't be alone."
"Okay sweetie," May hugs Peter and waves goodbye to Simon, "I'll see you at 6!" She shuts the door behind her.

"Would you wanna go to the living room?" Peter asks not wanting to be in his unusually stuffy room.
"Sure," Simon smiles and follows him, sitting on the couch.
"So what were you gonna say?" Peter smiles.
"Oh, well I was just saying I feel bad that I didn't know sooner. I could've been there for you."
"Oh... Well I just.. felt weird about it I guess. I didn't know how you guys would've reacted." Peter shrugs and sits next to Simon, their knees slightly touching.
"Are you still confused?"
Peter sniffs, "A little.. sometimes I just wonder 'what the heck' ya know? Like why me?" Peter shrugs, "I don't know."
"No yeah I guess I understand that." He chuckles and Peter shifts uncomfortably.
"Why are you confused?" Simon looks into Peters eyes innocently.
"Oh uh, I don't know just," Peter looks away, "I guess sometimes I just think maybe I'm not gay but what I am is not... what I want."
Simon frowns, "I'm sorry."
Peter shrugs again, his eyes begin to fill with tears. "I-" his voice cracks and he clears his throat, "It's okay.."
"Are you gonna.. tell anyone else?"
Peter sighs and picks at the couch cover, "I don't know..."
"It's okay I get it." Simon clears his throat.
"What do you mean by that." Peter questions.
"By what?"
"You keep saying 'I know what you mean'."
Simon scratches his head, "Well I-I'm.. confused at the moment too."
Peters brows furrow in confusion, "W-wait what?"
Simon fidgets, "I think I..." his voice drops to a whisper, "I think I might be... g-gay or bi I'm not sure.." He looks away.
Peter slowly puts his hands on Simons, "It's okay. I get it, I'm-" Simon kisses Peter, smashing into his teeth before Peter can react. Simon pushes Peter up against the couch and Peter wraps his legs around Simons torso. That escalated quickly... Peters Spidey Sense tingles lightly. Simon's hand pushes against Peters muscular chest and they separate.
"Wh-what was that?!" Peter loud-whispers as if someone would be in the room judging them.
"I-I don't know Im sorry." Simon runs his tan hands through his dirty blonde hair, his blue eyes darting across Peters face. Peter smiles, "Hey.." he clears his throat, "Uh, that was.. good."
Simon laughs, "Of course you would say that Pete."
Peter blushes, his deep brown eyes trail Simons jawline and lips, his hand twitches to touch those soft lips just once.
"Peter...?" Simons eyes water and he shuts them tight, "I... I think I like you?"
Peter rolls his eyes, "You don't say?" Simon laughs and his eyes clear, "Yeah, I guess I did just kiss you huh?"
"Yeah." Peter laughs, "Who knew..."
Peter's breath hitches as Simon sits up, his butt resting right above Peters V line, and he tugs off his shirt revealing a toned chest. His stomach just as tan as his hands.
Peter gulps, his fingers hesitantly trace the muscles. Simon licks his lips and tugs on the sleeve of Peters shirt.
"I-" Peter takes it off, "Okay..."
Simon sucks air through his teeth as Peters shirt drops to the floor, he presses his body against Peters, the two sets of abs rubbing together in the most comfortable way possible. Peter's soft moan is cut off as Simon mashes his mouth with the boy under him. Peter slides his tongue over Simons lips, and Peters crush complies, opening his mouth ever so slightly. Peter pushes upward, his right hand on Simons  chest the other under his head tangled in his hair. Peter's left leg lifts up and pushes , making Simon flip over on his back, Peters hair brushes Simons cheek. Their mouths crash and slide over each other until they surface for air.
"You're good at that Parker." Simon winks, his blue eyes twinkling.
"I wouldn't say you're too bad yourself-"
Peter's apartment door creaks. Peter's eyes widen and he quickly scrambled away hissing at Simon to get his ass in the bathroom. Simon locks the door behind him and Peter grabs a random book off the shelf and pretends to read.
"So you read upside down now?"
Peter glances up, Tony Stark smiles, his hands folded in front of him, his chest puffed out: his usual stance.
"Hey.. Mr. Stark what're you.. doing here?? And uh yeah it's this n-new hobby I've been picking up on it's actually great you should try it s-sometime..." Peter rambles.
"I just thought I'd check up on you. Ya know don't want you going to fight any bad guys without my consent. And uh ya know I think it's great that you're reading uh," Tony cocks his head and lowers his sunglasses, "Is that... 'Sex Education.' You're reading there Spidey?"
"Du-uhm...." Peter shuts the book and places it back on the shelf. "I mean..." He doesn't have an answer for that one. Tony glances at the two shirts lying on the floor, one of which, Tony realizes, Peter would never wear. Ever.
"So what's with the getup?" Iron man gestures to Peter's sagging pj pants and no shirt.
"I-uh-I'm home alone so I-"
"Can I go to the bathroom?" Tony interrupts already walking towards the closed and locked door.
"No!" Peter's eyes widen as Tony raises his eyebrows at him, "Why.. not?"
"We just.. we just had construction- er- plumbing in there!" Peter breathes out a sigh of relief as Tony steps away from the door.
"Alright uh question for you Parker," Mr. Stark picks up Simons shirt off of the floor, "Whose is this?"
Peter swallows, his mouth gone dry. I didn't want to tell him like this but.. "I mean it's.. my shirt."
The billionaire playboy squints his eyes and lowers his head, "Don't humor me Spidey c'mon." Tony lifts up the shirt, "The truth."
"The.. truth..." Peter sighs, "I-the truth is... I mean I-"
Tony sits on the couch his legs crossed.
"I mean I just I its not I... I don't know I.. The truth is that I'm like I... I just i'm-"
"Peter." Mr. Stark smiles, "Just spit it out. It's just you and me right now."
And the guy hiding in the bathroom...
Peter's eyes dart over to the closed door, Tony catches them and walks over toward it.
"Oh- Mr. Sark you don't wanna go in there I mean it's super messy and there's probably water on the floor I mean-" He picks the lock with his Iron Man gauntlet and opens it with ease. Simon stands there in all his shirtless glory looking guilty. And Tony raises his eyebrows, "So Peter ya know there's a shirtless guy in your bathroom right?"
Peter purses his lips, his fists curl, but not out of anger. "Y-yeah Mr Stark I know...." Peter sits back on the couch, his legs folded underneath him and his head bangs on the back of the couch. Simon silently exits the room.
"Peter." Tony rubs his hand over his eyes, "Would you like to tell me what's up?"
Peter stays silent for several seconds be for shakily saying, "I- yeah yeah I would I just... Didn't want- I mean I didn't want it to be like this I guess I...."
Tony sits down next to Peter and looks his square in the eyes waiting.
"I-" Tears threaten to overflow and Peter shoves the heel of his palm into his eyes to intercept it. There's no reason to be crying you've told so many people already just do it!! Peter removes his hands from his face and fiddles with the strings of his pants. "I mean.."
"Any day now tiger." Mr Stark chuckles gently.
"I'm.. Im gay..." Peter looks away avoiding eye contact.
Tony's mouth drops open and he quickly shuts it, "Well that's..."
"I'm sorry.." Peter gets up, "I-I shouldn't have told you I-"
"No no Peter It's fine." Tony laughs, "In fact it's more than fine it's great. I'm good with it I don't care be who you wanna be." Peter smiles and hugs his mentor. "I'm always here for you Spidey."
"Th-thanks." Peter pulls away and his mouth twitches, "Y-you won't tell the other avengers yet... right?"
"Not unless you want me to. Plus pretty sure the flying chocolate man and one armed Jesus have a fling." Referring to Sam and Bucky. "Also Thor and Bruce," Tony stands and pops out one hip, "Are a thing. Did you know that?"
"I- no I didn't know that. But sometime I'll have to tell them.. sooner rather than later."
"How about Monday?" Tony suggests.
"Sure yeah that's.. yeah" Peter smiles and stands, "Well I guess you've sorta met Simon..." Peter calls for him and he slowly enters the room, this time in a shirt he took from Peters drawer.
"Uh.. hey." Simon blushes, his hands folded behind his back.
"Hello." Tony smiles, "So are you guys like a thing or..?"
Peter blushes a deep red, "Alright Mr. Stark time for you to go cmon!"
"Hey I was just asking." Tony laughs while being dragged out the door. "Nice meeting you Simon treat 'em well!"
"Yeah I-I will!" Simons laughs.
"Thank you Mr Stark." Peter hugs him again outside the apartment door.
"No problem kid," The Iron Man suit salutes Peter, "I'll cya on Monday." Peter can hear the pride in Tony's voice and he smiles.
"Alright.. cya Mr. Stark."
The suit blasts away with the genius inside it.
"So.." Peter smirks leaning against the wall, "Should we resume what we started?"
Simon blushes and winks, "Well I wouldn't see why not."

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