Secrets of Two Teens

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Chapter 10

Zimed stared at the group of people standing in Abby's garage. They were all good friends of Claira, Zimed, and Abby's and would do whatever to help them out. The group wasn't very big but wasn't too small. There was at least 15 of them. Most were guys, which was a good thing, because it could raise the fear factor. Claira and Addie were standing next to Zimed on his right and Abby was standing next to him on his left.

"Ok so. Me and Claira might have-just might- have a stalker following us. We need to find out who this person is-if there is one-and get them to stop stalking us. We will have further meetings as we plan everything out," Zimed said to the group.

"Even though we know you all, you have to sign your name on the sheet of paper on the clip board that will be passed out shortly. You will be given code names by next meeting," Abby said, with a clip board in her hand. "There will also be a bulletin board over here in the back of the garage in the corner," she added, pointing to a corner in the back of the garage.

She handed the clipboard to the person closest to her. The person signed their name, then handed the clipboard to the person next to them. This continued until the last person had handed back the clipboard to Abby.

"If-we find that we really are being followed, then we will put the plan in motion immediately," said Claira to the group.

They then told the group of the plan and had he people keep the plan a secret and go home.

"Ok let's write down the plan, find a bulletin board, and the tacks so that we can have it ready by next meeting. Oh-and give the people a code name as well," Abby said. Claira and Zimed agreed.

Zimed was assigned to find the bulletin board and tacks. Claira was assigned to give code names to people. Finally, Abby was assigned to write down the plan.

Zimed found the board and tacks pretty quickly and had helped Abby write down plans.

"This is interesting. Tanner has signed up to help. I wouldn't have thought he would have came to help. Hmm... What should his code name be?" Claira said, looking up from the clipboard, a bit surprised.

"Hmm... I don't know. What do you think Tanner's code name should be Zimed?" Abby said, looking up at Zimed, who had looked up.

"How about... Stealth Fighter?" Zimed suggested, after thinking about it a moment.

"Why Stealth fighter?" Claira asked.

"Because, it sounds cool," Zimed answered.

"Ok. Good enough," Claira said, looking back at the paper and writing the code name down.

While giving people code names, Claira found that there was three guys that were particularly stronger than the rest of the others, even taller. She named them Muscle, Thunder, and Lightening. She then continued and found that another of their well known friends had signed up to help.

"Justice signed up to help us. I'm thinking of calling him Dark. What do you two think?" Claira asked.

"Yeah. Sounds good," Abby agreed, without looking up.

"Yeah. Dark fits him well," Zimed said also not looking up.

Once they were all done, they tacked the plans and code names to the bulletin board, which they had then placed in the corner of the garage, with a blanket over it to keep it from being seen. After they were completely done, Claira and Zimed went home.

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