#4 Part 2: Club Casanova

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My eyes felt heavy and all I wanted to do was go to bed. I leaned heavily against Mac's shoulder as the doors of the elevator closed. Even if I wanted to, I don't think that I would be up for any kind of strenuous activities like sex, all of the emotions had worn me out for the rest of the day.

"We're almost there just stay awake for a bit longer," Mac whispered into my ear as he kissed me on my neck behind my ear and on the side of my neck. I groaned and gently nudged him away with the side of my head.

"Working on it but you have really drained me today, I can't help but feel sleepy, especially after coming off a long day shift," I murmured as I tried to stifle a yawn.

"Right sorry about that, are you working tomorrow?" Mac asked as he led me out of the elevator and down the hallway towards the door to his loft.

"No, I'm not, so yes we can go for dinner tomorrow thanks for asking," I replied with a chuckle. "How are you healing up by the way? I can see that you aren't limping anymore."

"Things have been going really well actually, I'm still a bit sensitive in the ribs on my left side though."

"Ah so if you bother me that's where I'm supposed to hit you, is that what you're telling me?"

Mac chuckled as he fended off my playfully jabbing at his ribs. He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm before taking it in his hand and leading me the rest of the way to his place. The warmth of his hand and the feeling of his fingers rubbing on the back of my hand felt comforting and slightly romantic in a corny way. I hadn't really thought that he'd be one to be interested in small things like holding hands, hanging out, and cuddling.

"You really do surprise me," I whispered as I leaned against Mac's arm. I could feel him looking down to me before he opened up the door to his apartment.

"Since we couldn't go out tonight did you maybe want to stay in and watch a movie?" Mac asked as I walked towards the sparse living room.

"You do know that I might fall asleep right?"

"That's okay, I can carry you to bed you aren't that heavy."

"Alright then, what would you like to watch?"

"Come on you know what I like."

"Seriously? More cop shows? I deal enough with them on a daily basis at work. Can we maybe watch something a bit more mind-numbing?"

"The only thing that would really be mind-numbing to me would be...no really? Do you really want to watch that?"

I sat on the corner of the back of the couch and tried my best for a tired puppy pout as I glanced back to Mac. "Maybe."

Mac groaned as he walked over to where I was sitting, stopping only when he was bumping his legs against my own. He put his hand under my chin so that I was looking up into his eyes. I hadn't seen the mischievousness in his eyes before, at least not like this, his posture made him seem almost playful as he leaned in closer to me.

"You know that I really hate cooking shows," Mac commented when he was only a couple inches from my face. "However, I do owe you one, so we can watch a couple if there's something good on."

I couldn't help but grin even as Mac rolled his eyes at me. He leaned down the rest of the way, surprising me, and kissed me. His lips lingering on mine for a moment longer before walking around to the front of the couch. I stood there for a moment longer, processing what had just happened before turning around to follow him. How did he manage to do that and make it feel so natural? I sat down on the spot next to him but left a bit of space so that I wasn't crowding him. He did not seem to agree, pulling his legs up onto the couch and setting one around my back while the other rested on my lap.

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