#8 Part 2: Promotion

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I just had to worry about eating well tonight and tomorrow morning right now though. My tattoo appointment was in the late afternoon so I had a chance to get a good meal in beforehand. I wasn't sure if I could sleep anymore but I figured that I could at the very least try to get a bit more shut eye. I woke up the next morning far too early in the morning but I was just absolutely wide awake with no chance of me going back to sleep.

I showered and put on some more comfortable clothes before relaxing on my bed. I didn't really have anything to do but I did think about maybe going down to the sex shop that was around the block and maybe getting something to spicy up the bedroom when Mac came back. He had never really asked what my preferences were for the bedroom, and I had been comfortable with what we had been doing so I hadn't mentioned anything. Now though he was going to owe me big time. I checked the time and saw that I still had a couple hours before my appointment started. Heck, why not?

I left the apartment with a plain black cloth bag just so that no one would see what I was carrying around with me. I walked into the shop and was greeted by a very nice young lady that was standing at the till that was in the middle of the room. I gave her a small wave before walking over to where the bondage products were. I definitely wanted some ties, a blind fold, and maybe a cock ring. I thought about getting a vibrator but that might be a bit too much for Mac especially considering that he might not even really like this kind of thing.

I went up to the counter and paid for the items, putting them into my black bag before leaving the shop and head over to the tattoo parlour. My tattoo artist got me all set up on her massage bed, placing the line work for the tattoo on my left peck. She peeled off the waxy paper revealing the purple outline of the bird on my chest.

I was laying down on the massage bed for over three hours as the tattoo artist worked her magic. When she was done, she let me up so that I could see the finished product. I have to say that that final product took my breath away. It was the bird from the painting that was surrounded by a beautiful explosion of rainbow watercolours. My eyes teared up a bit as I stared into the mirror at the new tattoo. It was absolutely amazing. I thanked her profusely before paying her and heading back to my apartment. Texting Celeste that I had gotten the tattoo and then sent her a picture that I had taken while I was standing in front of the mirror. She started gushing over it via text and saying that she couldn't wait to see it in person.

After all of that though I was just very tired and just wanted to go home and rest for now. The next couple days I was on pins and needles at work waiting for the response from the testing instructor. Finally, on the day that Mac's package was supposed to arrive I got an email with the testing results. I jumped up off my bed and screamed a 'Yes!' before coming back down and scrolling through the rest of the email. I got the highest score in the exam and was offered the position right off the bat.

I went down to the lobby to check my mail and saw that there was indeed a small package in my mailbox. I closed my mailbox and opened the package right there in the lobby. There was a key and a small note in the package. The note read:

Grab what you need and be ready to be picked up by 2:30

I glanced at the time on my phone and noticed that it was already almost 2pm. I rushed back up the stairs, avoiding the elevator, and into my room. I threw my laptop, a couple pairs of clothes, my phone charger, and my new bag of 'tricks' into a bigger bag and ran back down to the lobby just as a black limo pulled up outside the apartment. I went out and got into the back of the empty limo as the driver held the door open for me. I stared out the window as we drove, trying to figure out where exactly he was taking me. That was when I saw it. It looked even better than it did in the pictures.

It was one of the houses that I had told Celeste that I had liked, but what was I doing here? The note was most definitely not from Celeste as she could've just texted me. It seemed more likely that the note was from Mac since he was the one that had originally told me about the delivery.

The driver stopped in front of the two-floor family home that was supposed to have five rooms and two and a half bathrooms. He opened the door for me and I got out, walking hesitantly towards the front door. There wasn't a for sale sign on the lawn which did confuse me a bit since I had thought that the place was still for sale. I gripped the key that was in my pant pocket as I approached the front door of the house. I had a sneaking suspicion about that key now that I was standing on the doorstep of the house. There was no way that Mac could've known about this though...unless...CELESTE! She must've been talking to Mac about some of the stuff that was going on. Damn it!

I pulled the key out of my pocket and of course it fit perfectly into the lock. What the hell did the two of them plan? And how long had they been planning it?

I walked into the house and closed the door behind me. I could hear what I thought was a TV on further into the house. I walked down the foyer and say that there was a crime show playing on the biggest screen that I've ever seen for a home TV. There was a large L-shaped couch sat in front of it. The closer that I got to the couch the more that I could see, and the more that I saw the faster that my heart started to beat. The top of a blond head was resting on the top of the couch. The key fell from my hand clinking loudly on the hard wood floors.


The person paused the show before getting up from the couch and turning around to face me. Tears immediately sprang to my eyes; I dropped my bag to floor before running over and throwing myself at Mac. Holding him tightly for a moment before pulling his head down and kissing him repeatedly before kissing him hard and long on the mouth.

"Ohh, I missed you too," Mac groaned as he held me tightly against his chest. I breathed in deeply, taking in his scent, my hands and body were shaking uncontrollably as the tears spilled from my eyes. I ignored the pain in my chest from the new tattoo as too much pressure was put on it from the tight hug. I could feel him start to loosen his grip but I wasn't ready to let go just yet and held on. Mac got the idea and kept me in a tight hug for a little while longer.

"You have no idea how much I missed you," I cried into his shirt before looking up into Mac's face. I was surprised to see that he had tears that were streaming down his face too.

"I think that I have a pretty good idea," Mac murmured as he leaned his forehead against mine.

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