#4 Part 6: Club Casanova

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"Alright, we need this place zoned off for a bit, can you stay at the other apartment for the next couple days until we can figure this out?" Andy asked glancing up to Mac as he fiddled around with trying to get the bloodied sweater into an evidence bag. Other apartment? What other apartment?

"Yeah, its just a bit crowded," Mac commented as he glanced down to me a bit sheepishly. Mac led me down the hallway to the elevator as I was still too stunned to move. I was silent all the way out to the car, still processing all of what had just happened. We got out to the car before Mac finally broke the silence. "You are probably going to want to call your work and tell them what's going on, maybe even call in if you can."

I nodded and pulled out my cellphone, my hands were shaking slight as I dialed my work phone number. I told them what was going on and my supervisor actually suggested that I take the day off just to make sure that I wasn't in any immediate danger. When I got off the phone, I saw that we were closer to the outskirts of the city with more trees and greenery everywhere then there was in downtown. It was calming, almost soothing in a way.

"So, what is this other apartment that your brother mentioned?" I asked curiously, I had never heard him mention this place before, ever.

"It's just something that I got to help me get away from stress, work, and people," Mac replied hesitantly as he began to pick as his fingers. "When you see it just don't laugh, okay?"

"Why would I laugh at an apartment?"

"Its not an apartment, it's a small house that I visit periodically. You'll understand more when you see the inside."

I raised an eyebrow at Mac but didn't say anything more as we pulled up to a small house in the suburbs. It was a single floor home that looked big enough to support a small family that was just starting out. Even in the dark with only the street lamps lighting up the house it did look cute. When we stopped and got out, Mac hesitated on the sidewalk as he glanced down to me before walking up to the front door. I followed him up to the door as he pulled out his keys from his pants pocket. I do have to admit that this place was not something that I had ever expected Mac to have, but it was still a cute place.

When Mac opened thedoor it just looked like a normal hallway, not something that the son of the CEO would own. It was definitely not something that I would expect the boisterous, sarcastic, and painfully blunt friend that I've known for years. Mac closed the door behind us before slipping off his shoes and continuing into the house. I hesitated for a moment before taking off my shoes next to his and following him into the house. After the hallway there was an open floor plan of the kitchen, dining room, and living room. The only really odd thing about this house though was the painting sheets that littered the floor, the empty standing easels, the stacks of what appeared to be covered paintings, and one covered easel in the middle of all of this.

"You paint?" I asked dumbfounded as I tried to carefully step around the art supplies that was strewn all over the floor. There were tubes of paint scattered all over the tables and in clear plastic containers on the floor around the easel. Paint brushes were sticking out of cups, mugs, and boxes, along with various other tools that I didn't recognize.

"Umm, yeah, sort of, just as a kind of pass time thing," Mac stuttered out as he grabbed a glass out of the cabinet to get some water from the tap.

"Can I see some of the paintings?"

"I-I don't know, I've never really showed anyone my paintings before," Mac replied as he glanced over to me from the kitchen. "Even my siblings haven't seen any of my works that I have here. They are...um...personal."

I was a bit disappointed but it was understandable. Though I was quite curious as to what Mac liked to paint. Mac put down his glass on the counter before walking back over to me.

"Well there is one that I could probably show you," Mac said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. He walked over to the cloth covered easel, however, he paused with his hand on the cloth. "Just know that I usually do landscapes so this is my first time trying to do a portrait without a model present."

I was a bit confused but nodded as I waited patiently for Mac to lift the sheet off of the easel. He sighed and slowly pulled the sheet off revealing a colourful, water coloured side portrait of me with a little bird sitting on my shoulder. I was speechless. It was absolutely beautiful. Mac glanced nervously between me and the painting as my eyes started to get glassy.

"Do you like it?" Mac asked as he shifted from foot to foot. I felt the tears well up in my eyes and my hands started to shake.

"Its beautiful," I murmured as the tears slipped down my cheeks. I could see out of the corner of my eye Mac visibly relax.

"I-I was hoping to maybe do one of you while using you as a model," Mac commented as he got over so that he was just behind me. "If you would be comfortable with that?"

"Sure, I mean, I would be honored," I told him as I turned my head to look up at him.

"I should mention though that it wouldn't be any kind of normal modeling, I've been wanting to try my hand at...naked modeling," I stared at Mac for a moment. The guy could talk about the most graphic murder scenes and the most graphic sexual positions and such, but as he was trying to ask me about this he was being as shy as a virgin. In that moment, I was so turned on. My pants felt too tight and I was pretty sure that I had a pitched tent if I were to look down. I quickly closed the distance between Mac and myself, pulling his head down as I kissed him hard on the lips. "Is that a yes?"

I nodded before going back to kissing Mac, wrapping my arms around his neck with one of my hands grabbing the back of his head. Mac kissed me back lifting me up off the ground and placing me on one of his shelves, pressing me against the wall. We pulled away for a moment, however, I was still riding high on the sudden attraction. I kissed Mac's neck right at the corner of his jaw, slowly kissing down his neck debating on whether or not I wanted to leave a mark.

"Not that I'm not loving this, but what got you in the sudden mood," Mac asked stifling a groan as I sucked on the side of his neck. I paused for a moment before pulling back to look Mac in eyes.

"When you were talking about your paintings, that expression that you had, I just couldn't resist wanting to mess you up," I told him, starting to come down from my high.

"Well, since you called into work for tomorrow, we do have a bit more time together," Mac whispered as he leaned his forehead against mine. "If you're up for it, we can have a bit of fun before bed."

"Okay, but I'm on top."

"I can deal with that,"Mac purred as he picked me up, his hands under my butt cheeks and carried meoff down the hall to the bedroom.

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