Day 5 (Monday P1)

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(note: this is just part 1 of the day, next part will be shorter but this chapter ended up being longer than I had intended...4 1/5 pages. so I am separating this chapter into two parts for the sake of feeling accomplished and getting this book updated more.)

 The moment I woke up I noticed tears in my eyes, for a small moment I wondered if I had been crying, but I simply dismissed the thought and started to get dressed. Before I could get dressed I heard the voice of the supervisor.

"Get ready for school, we're gonna do a few things at the trainers then go to school." At the first moment I was almost relieved, but it was destroyed quickly. When I was ready, the door was opened, there was no doubt about it, I was nervous, I didn't know what would happen and that's what I feared. Yet, I had no choice, so I moved on and followed my supervisor to the car.

I looked out the window, blankly, I simply waited, I waited for the fate that I would soon face. There was nothing I could do about it, no way to resist the pain that awaited me. Watching the blurs that we passed did nothing, there wasn't even a meaning to it.

The door opened and the supervisor opened the door, I cautiously took a step out and began the walk to the building. I watched as my fears grew closer, but once again, there was nothing I could do.

Soon enough we were in the lab and I saw the doctor's expressions of joy, as he set down some type of paper on the table that was filled with many other things. I wondered what the paper held, why he read it, why none of them ever seemed to go away. Those thoughts quickly diminished as the doctor came closer and grabbed my shoulders. He looked me straight in the eyes with some kind of serious look, to be honest the shiver vibrated through my whole body that I wondered what was wrong with me, it even left me feeling cold. The doctor smiled to the supervisor a usual smile, one almost normal, but no expression was normal on his face.

"What's the event today!?" The supervisor responded quickly, and without a single stutter.

"School," he frowned and muttered a few things to himself, generating a new face as he turned to me.

"Well it seems we don't have long." He pulled out a needle from one of his pockets, I didn't know what he had held in those pockets, but now I did. I stepped back a few steps, but quickly stiffened in place as the doctor spoke. "Now now let's not resist, you know there's nothing you can do." I felt my sleeve roll up and his cold hand holding my arm firm, and I closed my eyes tightly, a tear almost forming in my eyes. When it was finished I stilled, deathly afraid to move, and I was picked up by the doctor. "He'll need a bit of supervision to school in the beginning before he gets used to it, get a small talk with the teachers." The supervisor nodded as my vision became red and the pain, the burning and the needles all began. I went limp as the pain spread throughout my body, and before I knew it I was in the car, shivering in pain.

As we drove for a seemingly endless time I tried to stay in the place of darkness, the abyss. After doing it quite recently it was a bit easier to access, but I knew that I couldn't stay there for long.

We arrived at the school once again and the supervisor opened the door as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car. There was pain all around me and I felt dazed as I was propped up to my feet. When I was standing I almost fell back towards the car as my world swirled all around me, but the supervisor grabbed my hand sending rapid pain up my arm. He walked forward, and in spite of my pain I was forced to walk, I was conscious of every single excruciating, needling step I took. I kept my head down, trying to focus on the concrete and each step.

When we had arrived to the main office to talk to the teachers, I found myself sweating profusely and my breathing was strayed. I felt the supervisors hand stop taking hold of mine as he went to talk to one of the staff, sending a wave of relief through me. I held out my hand to look at it, it was red from the strength of the grip, and I practiced flexing the hand, flinching at first, but getting used to it.

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