New Friends

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Kyle was perched atop the metal bench. Liam and Kela were talking about Kela's parkour... Abilities.


"So can you flip?"

Liam asked Kela, a little too cockily.

"Flip?" Kela hesitated. "Erm, I dunno..."

"Like this." Liam huffed and executed a cartwheel into a backflip. 

Kela shook her head. No.

Kyle poked in and asked, "What about a side flip?" Kyle stood up on his seat and then did a quick jog off of the metal bench and then tucked into a side flip.


Kela shook her head.

"Geeze, you can't do anything, can you?" Liam scoffed, coming his sandy blonde bangs back with his fingertips.

Cole shooshed him and said, "She just needs a little nudge."

Kela sighed. She had no chance with these guys.

It was probably just a sign saying, 'No. You can't do parkour. Loser.'

Kela felt her cheeks go red with sheer embarrassment and looked at her shoes. 

Her eyes burned at the corners and she felt herself starting to cry... No! She can't cry in front of these guys. It shows weakness. And she didn't even know them!


Cole's voice broke her thoughts.

Kela looked up. 'Hn?"

"Don't take it personally, they're just like that. I promise you, I'll teach you--- hey, are you crying?"

Kela gulped and stuttered, "H-huh? Oh, must be my allergies... Geeze, my eyes are itchy..." She rubbed her eyes, exhaling a sigh of relief. She can't cry infront of these rough people. 

"Ok, haha. I thought I was making you sad or something."

"No! Of course not!" She faked a sneeze. 

Cole laughed and then asked with a hint of hope in his voice, "So what CAN you do?"

Kela thought for a few seconds.

"Parkour roll."

"Precision jumps." 

"And maybe a few pull-ups, but that's it."

"Hmm..." Cole thought. "That's the basics, but we need to learn how to do vaults." 


"Yknow, when you clear a wall or a bar, you vault over it." Liam said in as-a-matter-of-factly way.


Kyle said, "She should learn how to safety vault first."

"K. I'm just gonna call up Jae first so she can come over and help a lil bit." Cole took out his cell.

"Jae?!? Jae Hicks?!" Kela exclaimed.

"....yeah? You know the chick?"

"She's my cousin!"

"Oh, cool story, bro." Cole dialed his phone. 


"Yeah, we need you here."

"You know, the park down the road from the town center."

Cole hung up and smiled. "I just thought we should bring a girl in. It might be uncomfortable for you if it's just us three boys."

Liam rolled his eyes, muttering something to himself. 

Kyle shrugged. "Well, alright. When Jae gets here, we'll have to go in the back."

"Back?" Kela asked, her expression confused.

Cole smiled mischeviously. "I think you'd like it there."

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