Featuring Kyle Mitts (a mini chapter)

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Kyle Mitts. The character that is often left out and forgotten. 

A Day in the Life of Kyle


My name is Kyle Mitts.

I consider myself a very important team member in our parkour group. I do most of the flips and take most of the dares. Although I do seem calm and reserved, I am in fact, quite the opposite.

Today, no one is available to hangout. So I'm gonna go on a date instead, and take a break from parkour.

I bet you're wondering who this date is, and I bet you thought I was some single loser or something. Ha, you're wrong. Dead wrong.

She's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and  in my 15 and 1/2 years of life. She carries herself in such a way, my mouth waters when I see her. And her hair?? It's like the great god of bakery himself came down and drizzled his holy icing upon the crown of her head. 

We see each other every week, and I always look forward to seeing her- because she's so reliable, much more reliable than any other girls I have dated. Always in the same place, at the same time, like a routine. I like orderly things, and she's the poster child for order and neatness. 

She's always perfectly symmetrical. No matter how many times I see her, her features always blow me away. Oh, look. It's time to go see her.


There was the little cafe shoppe she always waited for me in. It's small, but very warm and welcoming. The waitresses there know me, because my girlfriend and I are regulars.

"Hi Kyle." Mandy, the waitress that usually serves me, comes up to  me and asks, "The usual?" 

"Always. Bring her out." I eargerly respond. Mandy giggles and dissapears into the back of the little shoppe. 

There she was, in a beautiful, pink-and-strawberries decor. Mandy placed her on my table.

"It's been a while, my fair lady..." Grabbing a fork, I complimented her. "You look tastier than you did on Tuesday."

I took a bite. The batter was so light and fluffy, perfection. The icing was sweet, but it complimented the tart delectable-ness of the strawberries. This was my cake. I was hers.

What, you actually thought I was talking about a human?

Maybe I am a single loser....

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