The City, Part 3

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Me and the rest of our little parkour group were hanging out in a park located in the middle of the city. Cole was teaching me while the rest looked on.

"Like this?" I asked Cole as I tried to precision across an 8 foot gap, but my foot slipped on the rail and I fell face first into the ground- receiving a mouthful of grass.

"Ooh." Kyle winced. "That's gotta hurt."
Liam rushed over to me.
"Hey are you okay?!" He asked, squatting beside me.
"Yeah." I replied, whilst struggling to get up.
Liam grabbed both my hands and helped me up. "There you go girly, keep trying." He looked at me, with those glass blue eyes. Alarm suddenly took both of them.

"Um..." He started laughing.
I felt blood trickling down my upper lip.
"Your nose is bleeding."
"Yeah, I can feel that." I started laughing too, then wiped it off with the back of my hand. Pinching my nose, I turned to Jae and Kyle.
"That looked like it hurt." Kyle winced again.
"Eh." Jae shrugged. "Fall 7 times, stand up 8."

"Liam." I glanced back at him, then down to my hand that he was still holding.
"Erm." Liam blushed slightly and let go of my hand. "Sorry."

A few hours later, after lunch and wanting dinner

Cole left to pick up some Chinese, except Liam and I who were still practicing.
Jae was lounging in the grass, and Kyle was sleeping against the light post.
Liam was watching the me closely. "Lift your knees higher and jump further." He corrected me, with his arms crossed. "Oh gimme a break." I sighed, wiping the sweat off my forehead.
"C'mon Kela." Jae encouraged me. Kyle remained napping. Jae stroked her chin, "You know. If we're teaching her...might as well make a video about it."
Liam snapped his fingers "I got it!" "Hm?" I turned to Liam.
"A series!" He exclaimed. "A...a series?" I asked hesitantly.

"Psh yeah! It'd be hilarious." He shrugged, laughing.

"Wow thanks." I replied sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it like that." Liam frowned.

"Sure you didn't." I stuck my tongue out at him, teasingly.

"Guyssss!!" Cole came jogging back, with two Panda Express bags swinging by his side.

"Finally!" Jae grinned, meeting him half-way on the side walk and took a bag.

Kyle stirred and finally woke up from his nap. "Orange chicken, please..." He mumbled.


10:30 PM, 3 1/2 hours after parkour session.

Jae dropped me off around 7:30 PM, after we had eaten dinner. Liam said he'd text us some ideas later to start a youtube channel or something. I showered, brushed my teeth and got ready for bed.  

After snuggling into the frigid sheet and comforter, my phone buzzed with new messages. i had left it on my study desk, which was about a yard away from my bed. Wrapping myself in a cocoon, I reluctantly inched my way there.



Liam: Hey. When do you guys want to get together for filming.

 Jae is typing...

Jae: Whenever bruh

Liam: okay. anyone else?

Kyle: idc I'm tired leave me alone

Cole: someone's moody. I'm free tomorrow though.

Kela: anytime! but what are we gonna film with?

Cole: my brother has a camera. he likes making films

 Kela is typing...

 Kela is typing...


 Jae is typing...

Jae: yah theyre twins

Kyle: wat u never knew that?

Liam: lolololol


Cole: chill

Cole: yeah i have a twin

Cole: but im the better looking one

Kyle: u both look the same dimwit

Cole: whatever

Jae: ask him when he’s free

Cole: k. 

Liam: dads throwing a fit. gtg see you guys later

  Liam Dunaway has disconnected

Kyle: awe. hope hes ok 

Kela: mm. bout time i get to bed. see you l8r

Jae: gn

  Kela Fraetis has disconnected

Cole: lets move to the other chat. dont wanna spam them

Jae: k

Kyle: sure

 Cole Adams, Jae Fraetis, and Kyle Mitts have disconnected


(AUTHORS NOTE: As I have stressed before, credits to @TheCodyProject for helping me write and edit the chapters in this book. Hope you guys have enjoyed it so far. Feel free to leave comments and thougts below. Peace. -The Kimichee Expert)

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