The Fault In My Writing, Part Two- A Note to Readers

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Hello Everyone!

Today, I hesitantly logged back onto Wattpad to see if anyone was actually still interested in my story...

...and it was a very pleasant surprise!

I opened the old page up with over 30 notifications and messages encouraging me to keep going- however, they are from much earlier in the year [throughout 2016/early 2017]. 

Remember how I said in the previous update that I was going to work on this project throughout the year [technically, two years, since it is 2017 already]? Well- I did [and a lot still needs to be edited], but I was wondering if you guys are still interested in this story unfolding. [Basically, is anyone still out there?? lmao]

To everyone who still reads this! Just know an update will be available soon. :)

Many thanks.


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