Flips and Fails

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Kela and Liam walked back in awkward silence.

As they strolled down the street, they passed a couple of dogs chained up and Kela almost tripped over an uneven break in the side walk. "So much for a parkourist," Liam said to himself.

In all truth, Liam really did not get along with Kela. They just didn't click. He didn't like her, and yet he found himself feeling like this. Liam Dunway, you are such a contradictory idiot. Look at her! She almost died walking down a side walk. A SIDE WALK--- Liam's thoughts were interrupted as he himself tripped over a crack in the side walk.

Kela giggled softly and Liam turned away, his freckled cheeks red as a tomato from embarrassment. And to think he was just thinking of how klutzy she was?! He sighed.

"So," Kela started. "How--"

"Don't even start, girly." Liam cut her off.

"Sorry, ah." Kela looked away and pouted. She really did want to start a friendship with him, although it seemed Liam objected to that.


Liam kicked off his shoes and step foot into Kyle's house. It was big and roomy, full of white sunlight shining through the big windows. It didn't seem like a place where it made someone feel small- in fact, someone would feel warm welcomed.

Kela also went in, but that was after Liam went in and closed the door behind him, not waiting for her. Douchebag.

Kyle looked up from his phone, "Back so soon, Mister Payne?"

Liam scowled at the old joke. It was getting old.

(In case you were wondering, 'Payne', isn't Liam's last name. A singer from a boyband called One Direction is named Liam Payne so that's why they call him that. You get me?)

"Oh, you brought Kela with you too. Hey, Kela. You're in my house now. Make yourself at home."

Kyle looked back down at the glowing phone screen, checking out instagram for the fifth time.

Kela nodded, awkwardly taking a seat on one of the sofas. Her small body sunk into it, almost being engulfed by the pillows. "Nice couch," she told Kyle. Kyle grunted in reply, saying something about what someone posted.

"Hi Kela!" Cole looked up from the mat he was lying on. He had finished his routine and was now leisurely lying on the floor. Kyle forbade him from going off the mat though because he was full of sweat.

Kela smiled, "What's up Cole? Hi Jae."

Jae winked and gave a thumbs up. "I got ya a lesson in side-flips with Kyle today."

Kela's plain brown eyes lit up. "Awesome! Can we get started?"

Liam was rummaging through the fridge, taking out a pudding cup after he couldn't find anything else. "You? Flip? Ahaha, you tripped over a crack in the side walk on the way here."

Jae was about to get up but Kela gave her the look that said not to. "You tripped right after I did, Liam." Kela flicked her hair back. Cole looked up at Liam and mouthed the word, 'Ouch.'

"Wh...whatever." Liam stuttered, his usually nimble hands fumbling around to get the pudding cap open.

Kyle clicked his phone off and stretched, then slowly leaned forward to get off the couch. "Lets go in the back yard. I have my cushioned matts back there she can use.

Cole tried to use his arms to prop himself up, but he was shaky and gave up on it. "You guys go ahead," he mumbled, turning onto his back. Jae also got up from where she was sitting next to Cole and rolled her eyes. "150 dead-weight pushups is nothing. Cmon." She extended her reach out to Cole, pulling him up.

"Says the beast." He smiles crookedly and winked. "Whatever."


"Okay, so you wanna hug your knees to your chest when you start and side roll." Kyle tucked on the ground and rolled sideways on the mat. "See? You try." He popped back up, and waited for Kela to try.

"Okay." Kela understood. She knelt by the mat and tucked, and rolled just as Kyle did a minute or so earlier.

Jae clapped and complemented, "Wow, you're a natural at this. That roll was really smooth."

Kyle nodded. "Try it a couple of times, just so you get the feel of it."

The girl rolled across the mat again, looking as though she practiced rolling all day. The corners of Cole's lips poked into a soft smile.

"Liam, can you spot Kela?" Kyle looked at his friend expectantly.

"Fine." The blondes head drooped as he trudged towards the mat. He tried to hide his face that was hot with embarrassment. Kela was going to roll over his back! What the heck was Kyle trying to do?? "Ugh..." He groaned, bending his knees and back and standing to the side of the mat.

Kyle smiled and then explained, "So what you wanna do is roll over Liam's back. Make sure you go over with your upper back so you can get the proper form. I'll show you."

Kyle stepped a few paces back and jogged up to Liam, did a side skip and jumped into a tuck and rolled over the spotter's back, his knees bending from the weight onto the mat.

"Got it?"


"Now you try."


Liam's heart started to race again.

Kela started from about 10 feet away, jogging across the freshly mowed grass.

Liam shut his eyes.

Kela was only two feet away.

One foot.

He felt her weight roll over his back. She was just as light as he thought she was.


Kela was sprawled on the blue mat, her face in a big grin. "That was really fun!!" She squealed, but cupped her hand over her mouth when she realized how high her voice was.

"That looked like that hurt..." Jae cringed.

"You forgot to tuck." Kyle said observantly. "That's why you ended up on your back, sprawled out everywhere..."

Cole couldn't help but laugh. Her fail was apparently appeasing to him.

Liam panicked. Should he help her off the mat? But then he'd be touching her. Nah, she probably didn't need any help---

"Thanks, Cole." Kela was pulled up by Cole. "Wanna try again?" Cole asked brightly.


"Liam," Cole turned to the sandy-haired boy. "I can spot for you instead if you like."

"N..n..no!" Liam stuttered, "I-I mean, it's cool." He sighed.

Cole raised an eyebrow at Liam. "Hm."

He went to go sit next to Jae on the grass.

Liam exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Okay! Remember to tuck this time," Kyle began teaching again.

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