How to cope with being forgotten

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Author: Whooooo first comment! Whoooo! I took the screen shot a minute after because this marks my very first answer...I'm not weird! You are! Shut your face! Plus ShadowFire2288 and I go back a while, they were my first follower, I think, well, one of my firsts, and I'm just happy that they took interest in this ^ω^

Madeline: What is it?

Author: *Reads question* 'Question For everyone
How do you cope with people forgetting your existence? It's kinda hard for me...'

Matthew: Awe, Shadow, don't fret to much! I'm sure someone remembers you

Madeline: Yea, just try to find someone special who remembers you, like I did

Matt: Make them remember. Put someone on the ground if you have to, make a name for yourself

Matthew & Madeline: Violence solves nothing

Matt: Sure it does. Just take a look at me and Allen (2p America)

Matthew: Matt, you and Allen are a special case. Don't give people that advice...ever...

Madeline: Just find someone special who makes you feel good.

Matthew: And violence solves nothing. Don't put some one on the ground, please

Author: Bye~ and thanks for commenting ShadowFire2288 see ya next time~

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