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Author: It's been a while, but, I'm back! And with a question for Madeline "Madeline, what do you think of Dmitri(NyoUkraine)?"
This is from the lovely NibboPigeon643

Madeline: Well, we don't talk much. He's nice, I guess. I want to talk to him more, but, he might not know who I am... I don't know
There are actually two reasons why Dmitri and I don't talk; I'm either 1. Being sat on by Anya(Nyo!Russia) 2. Trying to stop a fight between Emily(Nyo!America) and Alice(Nyo!England) or 3. Throwing up because I ate Alice's food, on accident... (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

Matthew: Why can no version of England cook? Is he/she allergic to cooking proper food?

Matt: No, Oliver(2p!England) can cook just fine... When he isn't mad... Bad times...

Author: I think that's enough for the day! And, sorry for the wait guys, I just wasn't getting questions, at all. But, thank you for reading, as always.
Good bye, and may your ships never sink

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