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Author: Hello, hello! Welcome fellow Hetalian and Canada fan-person.

Matthew: Author- what the maple is going on?

Matt: Matthew?

Matthew: Aahh! My 2p! IminanotheruniverseImnotsupposetobehereImsorry!

Author: Calm down. This is what I like to call; The authorverse, anything can be merged with anything

Madeline: *Pops in and dusts off skirt* That was a bumby ride I'm gl-

Matthew: Maddie! *Tackle hugs*

Matt: What, he's happy to see her but not me? I see how it is *Trys to walk away*

Author: *has Matt by the hair* anyway, ask the maple trio anything, or dare them anything!

Madeline: Comment anything you can think of, question or dare!

Matthew: Please keep it PG13! Nations are human-ish too!

Everyone: Bye

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