Favourite Animal?

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Author: So, we meet again. I'm sorry if that was weird. Any who, we've got business to attend to, a question from awesomegecko2
'To Everyone: what's your favorite animal?'

Matt: Is this a question? Author? Are you tricking us? It's obvious it's bears.

Author: Nope.

Matthew: Polor Bears to be exact!

Madeline: Yup!

Matt: Why do you think Kuma and other version of Kuma sticks with us?

Madeline: you mean bear-sions of Kuma! (buh dum tsk)

Matt: If you weren't a lady, I would hit you with my hockey stick.

Author: How about not hitting anyone with anything?

Matt: Fine.

Author: Anyway, that concludes the seventh ask/dare, have a wonderful day/night. My your ships never sink.

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