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Author: MeowAphMeow this is for you, I have to bust out OCs, you are just that awesome.

Matt: What?

Matthew: Please, I think I know where this is going.

Madeline: Please, Author, you are better than this

Author: No, I'm not.
'I have one b'y! What do you each think of the provinces?'

Madeline: Oh... Well... Alberta and BC are kinda not talking, Ontario has to deal with political drama that I don't want to go into. Newfoundland is still crazy as hell... And that's the just of it.

Matthew: Basically. *Nods*

Matt: Yeah. Alberta is a bit more violence in the 2p world, but yeah, that's all

Madeline: But other then all the political nonsense, I thing they're all cool, each having something interesting to offer, minus BC's unhealthy obsession with Nanimo bars... It's scary...

Matthew: I couldn't have said it any better Maddie, but yeah... Never get between BC and Nanimo bars... It's a bad sight...

Matt: And of course New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia are still slightly mad at Oliver/whatever England you two have, for the... 'Incident' with Acadie. He was too young.

Madeline: Yeah... Alice made a major dick move.

Matthew: Arthur could have handled the Acadians better, and just let them alone. Not killing our brother/sister.

Author: Aahhh! I'm sorry I was gone for so long! I was caught up with roleplaying and Amino shit along with other shit and it was a long ass break from writing.
Anyway, this concludes the tenth ask/dare round, have a good day/night and may your ships never sink.

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