Dares Galore!

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Author: Matt, Matthew! Get over here.

Matthew: Yes?

Matt: Whattdya need?

Author: I whole heartedly regret making you do this, but here's the first dare of the day 'Matt & Matthew: I dare y'all to give madeline a wedgie until she reveals her darkest secret lol'
- Domofroggies

Matthew: You heartless monster.

Matt: I already did this once, Matthew, you do it.

Matthew: OK... But, why me?

Matt: Because, it's only fair.

Matthew: You better make this up to me, like I will Maddie

Matt: We'll go for coffee sometime

Matthew: Fine.

Author: Madeline, come here please~

Madeline: What's up?

Matt & Matthew: 3 2 1, NOW!

This is the moment when Madeline proceeded to fight the guys off

Matt: Christ...

Matthew: Holy maple, Maddie

Madeline: Don't try that with me. After fighting off Alice's cooking, it comes alive sometimes...

Matthew: Now that you have beaten the maple out of us, can you answer this simple question?

Madeline: What is it...

Matt: Darkness secret.

Madeline: No.

Matt: Come on, Madeline.

Madeline: No. I refuse to answer. The rules state that I don't have to if I don't feel comfortable.

Matt: Fine.

Next Dare

Author: 'Madeline, I dare you to kiss the person next to you :^)'
God, please, save me.

Madeline:  What? *Looks both left and right* I'm in the middle!

Matthew: ... Can we not?

Madeline: OK, Next!

Matt: Nope. *Walks away*

Madeline: Author?

Author: I was never mentioned, so I cannot be apart of this. So, someone needs to man up and do this!

Madeline: Matt, I think someone's threatening your masculinity ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧

Matt: Come the fuck over here.

Madeline: Oh my maple what did I do?

Matthew: I got your back Maddie (*^^)v

Madeline: *Walks over to Matt*  Yes~

Matt: *Kisses Madeline to her surprise* If you speak of this, I will kill you.

Madeline: Awwe, is little Matt-Matt upset because his masculinity was at stake?

Matt: Shut up.

Author: Holy shit that was long! And sorry for not updating for a while, I was caught up in stupid drama with my friends so I had to devote my life to settling that kerfuffle.
Anyway, this is the conclusion of the nineth ask/dare, have a great day/night and my your ships never sink.

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