First Dare

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Author: Ooh, a dare~ Madeline, please exit the room

Madeline: I do not like this. One bit.

Matthew: It'll be fine, trust me Maddie

Madeline: I trust you...this time...*Leaves room*

Author: 'To Matt: I dare you to prank Madeline by giving her a wedgie'

Matt: Honestly, I've been waiting for this moment

Matthew: How rude! She's technically you

Matt: I don't want to think aboot that

Matthew: Anyway, I can help you complete the dare

Matt: Fine...

Author: Any who, Madeline, come back in!

Madeline: Coming~

Matthew: Turn around, I saw something in your hair as you were leaving

Madeline: OK! Thanks Mattie! *Turns so back is facing Matthew and Matt*

Matt: *Switches places with Matthew*  *Hesitates, but goes thru with the dare*

Madeline: Ehh?! *Turns around* MATT I SWEAR TO MAPLE I WILL KILL YOU!

Matt: Jeez! I'm sorry, it was the dare!

Madeline: Wasn't there also a question?

Author: Yes there was, it was for you anyway, Madeline
'To Madeline: What was your most embarrassing memory?'

Madeline: I'd rather not answer, if that's OK...

Author: It's completely fine, if you don't want to answer, don't. If you don't want to do a dare, don't. It's all fine and dandy like sour candy ^ω^

Madeline: OK, good. I don't want to relive that moment...

Author: And with that, ends another chapter. Thank you Animation-frog for the dare and ask, and I might consider making it 18+ but, that's just a thought at this point. Tell me what you think in the comments.

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