Thoughts on family

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Author: Second question let's go!

Matt: Read it already...

Author: This is from the lovely MeowAphMeow 'I's got a question! What do you guys think of, your Family (FACE) or birth mother'

Matthew: Honestly, I can't really remember my birth mother, since I spent quite a lot of time with Francis when I was young, but I guess my family's alright, if they'd stop forgetting me, that'd be awesome

Madeline: I have to agree with Mattie, my family is grand, but I keep being forgotten. And I can't remember ma mère biologique (my birth mother) all that well either

Matt: I really don't see the huge deal with family, I mean, Allen (2p America) and I fight a bunch, but Oliver's pretty nice. Except the damn swear jar. To hell with the jar. And well, I remember my birth mother, she was nice, friendly, and always knew how to sovle a problem in a passive way .
I still want that damn jar dead

Matthew: Way to kill the mood...

Madeline: Matt, cheer up! Don't be so angry all the time.

Matt: Why?

Madeline: You always get like this when family is brought up

Matt: There where my childhood... I'd rather not talk aboot

Author: Before this gets super depressing, bye~ And thank you again MeowAphMeow for the comment! Bye

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