Chapter 9

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As soon as Yoongi left, Jimin got to work with the outfits. Jimin matched many articles of clothing together, but he thought they weren't good enough, so he made more combinations. It got to the point where almost all of the clothes were out of their respective hangers and drawers and littered around the room.

At the end of it all, Jimin finally had two outfits he was proud of. Yoongi mostly had black but he had a few clothes that were colorful. Setting those outfits aside, Jimin started to put everything else in back in their places. While doing this, Yoongi was wondering what was taking Jimin so long.

The witch went back into his room to find that half of his closet was out of its place, and Jimin was folding them to put into drawers and putting clothes on hangers.

"Wha- how... I don't even wanna know." Yoongi said looking shocked at the mess the room was.

"I'll clean it up! Did you finish eating your breakfast?"

Yoongi can only nod, still not over the mess. " Uh yeah, I finished. I left some food for you on the kitchen counter."

Jimin just smiles at him. " Ah, thank you! Are you going to take a shower? If you are, take - hmph!- these clothes! It's the outfit I picked for you."

Jimin navigates his way through the clutter of garments still littered across the floor. He hands Yoongi the stack of clothes and shoos him off to the bathroom to take a shower. Yoongi does as he's told but comes back out to get underwear before going back into the bathroom.

An hour later and Yoongi has already come out of the bathroom. Jimin finally finished putting away all the clothes and jewelry he had pulled out.

Jimin stands up and stretches, still in the white robe that Yoongi had given him. " Phew! That was a lot of work. I'm never doing that again."

Yoongi comes up from behind him. " Just watch after we finish shopping you do the exact same thing. Luckily, I have space in my closet so you could put whatever you buy there."

The hybrid looked into the closet, indeed there was an empty space towards the right. " Ah, that's great. I don't know how much I'll spend by the way."

Yoongi shrugs it off. " It's fine. I'll pay for whatever you need. You should hurry and take a shower."

"I should go do that. I also need to eat breakfast too." Jimin says taking his outfit to the bathroom. "I'll also need to borrow one of your underwear because well..."

Yoongi gets the message. " Go ahead. My closet is practically yours at the moment before we head out. I'll be in the living room watching TV."

"Gotcha. See you after I'm done!"
After a good 40 minutes, Jimin finally finished his shower and breakfast. During that time, Yoongi's friend had come over and was sitting with him on the couch, watching TV. Jimin was surprised to walk into the living room to see Yoongi with someone else.

"Yoongi, you didn't' tell me someone was coming over."Jimin pouted, thinking Yoongi didn't trust him.

Yoongi looks away from the TV. " I was about to but you went off into the bathroom and nearly took an hour. By the way, this is Jungkook. Do you remember him?"

Jimin walks over to the couch. "Of course I remember the guy! The little bunny was so cute and gave me great treats."

Jungkook, who was suddenly aware that Jimin was here, sat up straight on the couch afraid. The poor kid didn't know that Jimin was formally Yoongi's cat. He thought that Jimin was some random person with fluffy ears and tail that broke into Yoongi's house and lived with him now.

Jimin smiles at Jungkook, who was still frozen, and stretches his hand for a handshake. "Jungkook! I remember you from years ago when you were just starting out at the witch academy! Do you remember me?"

"Uhm, excuse me but who are you?"

"Ah, that's right. You don't know I changed forms. It's me Jimin, Yoongi's cat."

Jungkook looks over to Yoongi for confirmation, and he receives a nod from the older witch. He looks back at Jimin, who still had his hand stretched out. Jungkook reaches for his hand and shakes it.

"Oh that cat Yoongi hyung always had around him. I remember you now, Jimin. Why are you a cat hybrid and not a cat now?"

"Right, that. I don't exactly know myself. Could be because of the potions Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung made yesterday for his shop. Maybe it spilled on me or something, I don't know."

Yoongi stood up from his seat on the couch. "Let's get a move on to the mall. We have to get Jimin a bunch of clothes I imagine, so it's best if we get started now."

Jungkook also gets up from the couch. "I agree. Let's get it!" The boy makes his way to the car with the other two following behind him.

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