Prologue (And some other stuff)

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Ok, so, I am starting a new series since I have seen (and read) many of these types of fanfics. It's a Somethingelseyt fanfic (der, if you looked at the cover and knew who it was), and with all of the ones that I have seen (and read) I was very into them. And after finishing the ones that I have read to the recent upload, I-I just can't contain meself. I was desperate for one so I decided to write one. Ok, sooooooo, yeah. That's why I decided to write this. Okay. ALSO!!!! If you get confused on what is what. Here is a little help.


Y/n -> your name

Y/m/n -> your mom's name

Y/d/n -> your dad's name

e/c -> eye color

h/c -> hair color

h/l -> hair length

POV -> Point of View

When words are bold that means I'm "talking". If that makes sense. Like right now.

When words are italicized that means you are texting with someone. Or if someone said something that might trigger someone else.

When you or Adam or someone is thinking, the words are in bold AND italicized.

So yeah!!! That's the run down of things. Okay? I'm guessing yo guys already knew that. Oh well!! OH! The prologue is about to start. Okay, sit down, relax and grab some bananers and enjoy.


*Y/n's POV*

Y/n: "I was so stupidly excited to go to the fitnessexpo in Anaheim that when I was on the plane, I was about to have an, like, a heart attack at how excited I was. Trust me. I was about to explode with excitement. I have always wanted to go there and know here I am!!"

I was recording a little v-log for my viewers because I can't animate while I'm out and about (and totally forgetting my drawing tablet).

Y/n: "So yeah, that's all for now folks. And see ya guys in the next video. And be safe, don't be stupid. *giggles* ok bye guys."

As I turned the video camera off, I exhaled and leaned back and my back hit the hotel's mattress. I was exhausted.

I love this weather. It isn't like Arizona. Arizona sucks butt!!!!!

As I was thinking, I decided I just post the video with no edits. Oh well. After I posted the video I laid back down. But I couldn't sleep. I just couldn't, I don't know why?! It's not jet lag, duh. But, it was something. I don't know what it was, but I couldn't. It seemed like my body just wanted to get up. So I did. I just put my jacket on and went out. You know, having a hotel close to the beach is pretty, pretty helpful with those restless nights. You know what I'm sayin.

Anyways. The only light that illuminated the darkness of the night was the cities. As I was walking closer to the ocean, I felt the breeze of the cold ocean blowing. The breeze and the salt water spray was enough for me to relax. I stood there, for a good 15 minutes there. I stood there for so long that some people even bumped into me.

???: "I am so sorry!"

Y/n: "No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't just be standing here. Sorry."

I heard the guy chuckle (I know it was a guy because of his voice and his figured being illuminated).

???: "No, it's okay."

I smile and he rubs the back of his neck and leaves. I just nod my head and look down at my feet.

He seemed pretty good looking. And nice and kind.

I shook my head, knowing I won't see him again. I looked up and exhaled. I trotted back to the hotel. Thinking about the stranger.

*End of Y/n's POV*

*???'s POV*

That girl, she seemed pretty genuine and nice.

I chuckled to myself.

???: "What are you laughing at?"

I looked up at my friend.

???: "Nothing. Let's just go. We need to be ready for the expo tomorrow."

My friend nodded and we continued to walk to our hotel.

*???'s POV*

~~Time skip~~

*Y/n's POV*




I hear my alarm scream in my face.


I almost chucked my phone across the room until my mind clicked.

I sat up in my bed so quick that I might as well be Sonic.


I frickin LOVE working out!!!!

I get out of bed and basically jump up and down.

Y/n: "Fitnessexpo day!!"

I had a smile plastered on my face.

I can't wait!!


YES!!! Okay!!! Got this done! And once I post this, I'll be proof reading the first chapter. Yeah, I already wrote the first chapter. I am just in love with writing these things!! Anyway, hope you guys enjoy. And as always, wear your set belts.

(What the hell was that me *laughs because of awkwardness*)


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