Chapter 2: A ghost talk

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No one POV

During the night Yumi was deep a sleep in her bed while Paris sitting on desk sleeping as well but that didn't last long when Yumi wake up form another future dream, she rash toward Paris and wake him up to tell him about another toy on the lost.

Paris transform to his normal size and stood in front of Yumi with a smile"so what today toy and where are they"

"Paris there another one on the lost but it not alone, it have another one with him. One soldiers and another is princess and that took a girl though the sewage but I can not see which sewage is it,I sorry Paris" Yumi look disappointed that she didn't do well again on the location which lead Paris to smile and pat Yumi on the head"it fine Yumi, we can find around this like we alway did, at least you try your best and that matter"

She look him with a smile and nod then she realizes something she saw in the dream"Paris I also saw something else,a person wear a black cloak and tall, similar to your hight Paris but a bit short and she have some sort of weapon with her but I can't see what she had or what she look like but if we find her, maybe we can find the toys also" she look at him with hope he would agree to this and that we could save the girl from the evil toys. Paris put his hand over his mouth and think this though' there another person that is after the toy also? It could be him? No it can't be Yumi said is a she,so who is she and is it safe to bring Yumi to this situation knowing someone going be there' he think this long and hard then notice Yumi staring at him with cute eyes which he gave in easily, he sigh "fine,we can try find the person you mention about but you must stay close to me,understand Yumi we don't know what that person up or what her dentition is so if anything happen,you must run home understand Yumi"

She nodded with a smile"yes Paris"

"Ok get ready Yumi,we have leave now"

"Ok Paris give me a minute to get our coat then we can leave"she as she go to the closet get both her and Paris coats for tonight toy hunt.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30 min later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yumi and Paris had left the house few min ago,so now they are walking though the night street to search of the young woman in black coat.

They walk though the night in silent until Paris broke the silent by asking a question to Yumi on how they going find the person actually"Yumi I got a question how are we going find the person when we unsure where are they now?"

Yumi glance at Paris then she look down on her feet seeing that Paris have a good point there, they have no clue where to start or where to go. Yumi start to think an idea but the only idea is to talk with the ghost which Yumi still have not get use on talking to them yet but it only choice they have at the moment.

"W-well I could talk to the ghost again on where they took the girl or maybe they know where the woman went to"she said as she start to get nerves again on the idea on speaking to ghost again.

"Are you sure about this Yumi?"

"Y-yes I sure"

Paris smile at Yumi then pat her head to reassure her that he will be her side if anything happen to her. She glance at Paris then blush"don't worry Yumi this time I will stay by your side from the far"

"Ok Paris, I will trust you that you protect me"she smile a bit while Paris keep patting her head.

After awhile of walking Yumi spotted ghost wonder around in one area which she grip on to Paris coat trying to hide behind him so the ghost won't notice her. Paris notice this so he ask her if she want to do this,we could find another different way to find her but Yumi shook her head no"n-no I-I-is fine P-p-p-Paris, I ca-n do th-is"Yumi shutter as she slowly walk to ghost then she stop when she remember that Paris can not be too close to her because the ghost will run away.

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