Chapter 4: you same as me?

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"Excuse me?"

Your POV

"you can see them,right?"she glance at the ghost next to me who have been follow us for awhile now, I glance at it then back the kid who seem waiting for my response 'no way,I thought I the only one who can see them'I step closer to her in order to see her energy then to my surprise she is different from a normal person'I can't believe my eyes she the same as me' I look at her and about to say something until my right eye start to get blurry which I groan in annoyance didn't think my time is running out this quick and more worse my arm is still bleeding which this not a good situation to be in.

I cover my right with my free hand seeing is bleeding out of my eyes"oh no! Your eyes, is bleeding!"the little run up to me which I take a back from her,don't want her to come near me in the condition I in"no! You must't come near me! Please!"

No one POV

"But you bleeding! We need to bring you help!"

Paris look at you seeing you not in the right shape at the moment which he sigh then Yumi grab his coat get his attention from which she did"Paris we need to help her,please"Yumi said while giving the eyes that Paris cannot refuse to which he sigh even more for this.

He take a step forward toward you and put he hand on your shoulder,you try shrug his hand off of you but it was not his keep grip tight on your shoulder not letting you go any time soon,you two make eyes contract for a short moment until he spoke"take a sit,let me see those wound of your" he voice was soft and gentle which somehow surprise you because you thought toy don't talk but you keep your composure and slap his hand away from you'I must go now and look for-' as you about to finish those thought you heard someone calling out name from a distance. You look behind the puppet and saw your friend Val running toward you with a bag in hand.

"Y/n!"he run to you but as he running,Paris turn to look at him. He jump back in fear and pull out a gun at Paris which you quickly stand in front him so the gun is pointing to you only which surprise Paris and everyone around you"y/n! What are you doing,have you lose you mind"

"Val don't even think on pulling that trigger, he not the enemy nor a friend so you put away that gun or I will crack your head with my dagger"


"No but Val,I not in the mood on hearing anyone right now,if you can see"

He put his gun down slowly but he still staring at puppet with fear. You sigh getting tired of this"ok then let try this, we tell our name and why we all here,how that sound"everyone nodded to agreeing to this.

"Y/n before we start,let me treat your wound during this conversation"

You put the kid gently on the ground and you lay against the wall with a sigh"sure but make it quick I need to bring this kid home before the sun raise up"

"Understood"Val nod as he take out bandage and medical out his bag and start to treat your wound.

You look at the white hair girl and black hair toy then you look at side trying to think how start this conversation but you shrug decided better start with a name first,am I right"soooo let start with name first,is that ok with you mr puppet man?"

He nod with a name"sure thing but I do believe lady should go first on her name and what she doing here first"

"Well such gentleman for a puppet but sure I go first"you smile before continue"my name is y/n l/and this person here my partner,Val. We here to safe of children and young teen from ghost and toys. So tell us your now mister puppet"

He have angry ticks mark on his forehead getting annoy by you keep calling him when he actually a dummy,not a puppet"first of,don't call me puppet,I am a dummy and second of all you quite rude for a young lady yourself acting this way"

You smirk at his response delight at him"well sorry for my rudest but I not young nor old actually"

"What you mean by that?"

"I will tell if you tell me,your name and why you here as well including why a child is here"

"Fair enough,the name Paris I was created to clean up after my creator mistake by the help by this little girl Yumi. If you can see she can see the ghost of dead and see something can went wrong when she asleep"

You look at the girl who look at you with a smile"hello nice to meet you" you wave at her which she did the same.

You sigh"well that out that way,we can move settled the problem about the child"you pointed at the child on is sleeping the floor"I cannot go with my condition so I will ask Val here to take the child home"Val look at you are crazy"are you insane y/n who going bring you home then? I cannot just leave you,can I?"he said as he patch up your eye

"I still can walk still,I just walk slow and as well we need a lot discussion about something"you get up as you walk toward Paris and Yumi.

"You cannot think on going with them? You just met them and as well he a toy,he legit can kill you!"

"He won't kill me,you cannot judge book by it cover and don't worry about I won't die you know"

He sigh getting stress by you as he gave in on reasoning with you"whatever is your grave and fine I will take the girl, give me your necklace"you put your hand in your pocket and take out a colorful string and in meddle was a black beat"here"

"Thank"he take it,he pick up the his bag and take the girl also"I will find you later"

"Alright,be careful"you said as he dash though the cave out of sign.

You look at them seeing they getting confuse what just happen so you have a idea on to do next"so do you guys have a idea where should we discuss or should I chose a place?" Yumi look at you for moment then a idea come to her"Paris, why not we bring to my friends place?"

"You mean the twins? I not sure?"

"Please Paris"Pulling The puppy eyes again which he immediately gave in to it.


"I not sure where you guy bringing me but I won't question it if we can discuss somewhere comfortable"

Paris say anything he just started walking first follow by Yumi then me last You tru keep your distance from Yumi as much as possible but when you did that Yumi turn to look at you seeing that you are quite far from her"what wrong y/n?"

"Is nothing but is better you stay far from as possible"


"Trust me on this,I will explain later just go on ahead first"

She nodded and continued walking beside Paris then you continue walking as well.

The Dummy's Dummy (Paris x reader) A curses can be a blessingWhere stories live. Discover now