Chapter 9: Pick a clothes

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A/n- do take note none of photos are mine in this story,I putting it in so you all have better idea on what is going on in this story and better image to see it but any rate back to the story

"Do you think it mean to left him like that,y/n"

"Yeah I think is too hush we left him like that,we could have bring the girl along on the shopping"

Yumi and Iris said to you as you guys resting for awhile at cafe drinking something before starting the day of shopping.

"Not really,I doing him a favor. He get girlfriend,he can leave me alone for few day without bothering me everyday. I swear that guy need friend to be around,he cannot hang out with me forever" You said as drinking your coco ice blended drink but you glance at Yumi who is staring at your drink so you pass to her so she could have some of your.

"It cannot be he that annoying to point you have set up a date for him"Lily said but you pull out your phone and unlock then show her the message and call he been doing the past 10 years of your life.

"Ok that just creepy" everyone see except for Yumi who is still enjoying your drink.

"I know it may be harsh of me to do this to him but at this rate he won't get marry when he 80"you sigh as you stare at Yumi who sipping away with your drink.

"You right about that he quite a charmer,I even think so"they both said as they start day dream about Val but you just fake coughing of the thought of them falling in love Val,is ridiculous.

"Let stop talking about him because the more I talk about it,the more I can feel Val anger grow"you shiver the thought of Val hates is near by.

"Ok let talk about where should we go?"

"Well for you guys can walk freely, I stuck here in this bag"Paris said as he cross arms. He was on the table in front of Yumi so no one see it a out of normal, a 11 year old girl play a puppet seem normal enough.

"I sorry Paris but we cannot let you walk around the place on day light,someone might see you"

"How about the large black coat? The one we alway go at night?" Yumi suggests it but you shook your head no"yeah that not going to work Yumi"

"Huh why?"

"Ok image this Yumi, a tall guy wear a large black coat walking around in daylight with a child and three teen follow behind them,yeah that will definitely bring unwanted attention to people including the security"

"I agree with y/n on this Yumi,if we put Paris on the coat people think Paris going to kidnap us"

"What you say brat!"Paris shouted but you quickly cover his mouth so people didn't see it.

"Keep it down puppet,you don't want people see you actually talking" you said as you release his mouth as he look at you"right,I forgot about that my apologies on that"

"Now what?"Iris said as she thinking .

You sigh on that then start to look around the area while the rest of them talking how to let Paris walk around without bring attention 'think y/n,think. What can use around here that help out' you thought as you spotted the makeup store 'bingo' you smile as you got an idea,you stood up from your chair and start to walk.

"Y/n where's you going?"Lily said in confuse

"Wait here,I got an idea how to help Paris on this"you said as you continue you walking toward the makeup store.

"Why is she going to the makeup store?" Lily question but everyone shrug also don't know what you really planning.

~~~~~~~~~~30 minute later~~~~~~~~

The Dummy's Dummy (Paris x reader) A curses can be a blessingWhere stories live. Discover now