Chapter 7: class is in session

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The next morning you two the twin the that you will coming over to Yumi today,to teach her lesson or two on the power she have. They did give the address of her house but they say they must come also,you didn't against it after all you want Yumi to feel comfortable when during lesson with you so what more comfortable then bringing a friends you know to hang out.

No One POV

"I can't believe you doing this,you really lose your mind"Val said as he walk beside with angry face but you didn't notice it because you too focus on finding the house.

"No I did not lose my mind and as well why are you following me again? I thought you have a hot date with some your girlfriend?" You said as look phone to see where are and where the place.

"She not my girlfriend and it was not a date,it was group study that all and secondly I keeping an eyes on that puppet "Val is 37 so he still studying on becoming a doctor in the future and as well in college he is very popular with the lady's in his class who alway seem to hate you in the bottom their heart,hmmm I wonder why.

"He not so bad,he seem pretty cool about it and secondly why your girlfriend sending death treat to me saying if you come close to my boyfriend again,I will ruin your life you little b*****"you raise your phone to show him the message which his eyes widen on this,he grab the phone from your hand as you continue walking.

"Woah woah hold on,I didn't give her your phone number,I swear I didn't"he walk beside and give your phone back

"Oh yes you didn't but you did mention you work under me and about the website that link towards me if not mistaken"he face palm knowing he mess up on that.

"I so sorry y/n,I didn't mean to do that to you. I thought-" he about to say something until you cut his sentence by your"you thought you are helping my business by giving out my info to other teenagers about it because teenager will do dumb thing when it mess with ghost and demon,am I am wrong or right about it?"

"........yes you right"he said as look down in appointment of himself on doing that.

You stop for moment to see you at the right house"it very stupid of you on doing that. Now I have a random teenage girl is chasing after me because of you"you said you as walk toward the house with him follow behind.

"I can fix it,don't worry I will confront with her about it"

"Yeah that not going to work"


"Never confront a person who in love or it make more worse for you and me, the girl clearly come in the rich family and she spoil one she can ask her parents to make our life worse"

"How you know that?"

"They told me"you point the spirit beside you who have being giving info about it the whole time,they often tell a lot of thing that happen around you which you don't mine they did,they just happy to see someone who is living and not dead and can hear them for once.

"The spirit told you?"

"Yes"you stop in front the house then knock on it.

"I don't believe you they did,they can't do that. You must research on my life there no way they can tell you about it"

"Oh really? So you don't mine I tell your mom that you the one that took her dress and make up for prom because you want to help your best friends on telling the rest of the guys he really have date for prom in fact it was you the whole time wearing the dress"he blush in embarrassment on how you know about then it.

"H-H-H HOW YOU K-NEW A-ABOUT TH-AT??" he shutter on the thought of you know about it except for his best friend he helped in high school.

Yumi open door with a smile seeing you here but confuse on why Val his blushing and covering his face.

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