Chapter 8: let go out

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It been a few days since you take Yumi under your guidance but still no process from her learning. She understand everything what you saying but when it come to talking to ghost or taking up active she still scare of it.

Your POV

I sigh and pat Yumi head who is clinging on to me, afraid of the ghost is in front of us. We in the living room with the rest of guys who is seated one couch with worry about Yumi,I told them not to help Yumi or comfort her because she need to learn on her own but yet again this is the fifth time this week she not willing to communicate with the ghost who also afraid as well and I know why,Paris. His energy that keeping the ghost away from this house,so I have no choice but to ask him to move far away as possible so the ghost can with us.

"ok Yumi that a enough for today we will try this again,Paris you can back now" he walk back to the living room from the kitchen,the ghost quickly disappears when Paris come closer to us.

"How was it?" Paris ask which I shook my head"Yumi still scare of it,we have to end sessions early today"

"I s-s-sorry,I-I-I will tr-y aga-in s-so p-please don't en-end early "

"It fine Yumi,you still young have time to learn and beside we cannot proper talk to the ghost because of Paris"

"So walking away about few meter does not work,huh?"

"What do you think walking away a few step does not work,as long they can see and feel your energy they won't dare come near us" I cross my arms and sigh.

"Well if we ending early,why not we go out shopping"Iris said as she walk toward her sister.

"Yeah that a great idea,we can go out buy some new clothe and have our hair done as well"Lily said as she wrap her arm around her sister who giggles of her sister behavior.

"Sound like fun,y/n are you coming also"Yumi pull on my pant and look at me,I cannot see because of the blindfold I had on so I cannot tell she looking at me or not.

"Yeah how about no?"

"What?why not?"Lily whined but I roll my eyes behind the blindfold.

"I have to work. I have some paperwork need to do and some client need to answer on as well I need to visit a old friend of mine talking about the items I need to get,so go with paying some fee on it. So yeah I think I have enough thing in my plate thank you very much"

"Aww come on y/n,you barely have a break for one let alone a rest,how long you have a day off?"Val said in question as he folded he arms.

I think for a moment then reply to him"hmmmmm about 3 year now I guess"

"3 year with no break?!?!?"Everyone shouted in shock on how I still surviving the stress I shrug not seeing the problems here.

"Are you serious Y/n you didn't have a break for that long"Lily seeing that I joking which clearly wouldn't.

"Look I don't see the problem here,I work,eat,sleep and train that count of resting for my case"

"But still I surprise you have not drop dead from exhaustion or even the matter of fact,hack I didn't know you have working that long when I met you "

I sigh"look here,I need to maintain the business and the items I need to get. Someone need to handle the problem the client have and not only that you have schooling to do I cannot ask you to help me,you have enough on your plate Val"I said but I know Val is upset because I can feel it his energy lower a bit.

"But y/n I didn't do much work when I started working under you,all I do is checking on the clients records,researching the problem even tho I suck at it and handling the wound you took from your mission,I feel I didn't do much over the years knowing that you doing all those work without resting,I feel sort of my fault for not helping much"

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