Chapter 3: A new toy killer in town

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"We here Yumi"Paris said as they stop at the dark stairway that lead to abandon subway station that might where the toy went to. Yumi look at Paris then at the dark stairway, she clench her red coat nervously as fear and worrying slowly creeping up in her mind,she swollen a lump in her throat before speaking to Paris"hmm P-Paris"

"Yes Yumi"

"I-s every-thing going b-be ok,I me-an it dark and-"before Yumi can finish her sentence Paris cut her off by patting her head then smile at her which lead her to blush"Yumi I don't know why you so worry about,I here am I? So you have nothing worry because I not thinking on letting you go like the last time, I will be staying right next you if anything go wrong"

She smile gentle at Paris hearing those word coming his mouth,it make her calm knowing Paris will protect her from danger from the toys that may be facing real soon"Yeah I guess you right"

"Now come on,we have not enough time before that kid be dead or she already dead"he said as took step forward down step with innocent smile,Yumi do the same but with horror look when Paris said that"wait! You think she dead!?!"

"No Yumi,I just kidding about it"

Yumi sweat drop a bit on sometime she couldn't tell Paris joking or being serious about it "Paris that not funny,you know"

"Hmmhmm I sorry I couldn't help myself,it funny to see people reactions" he said as he chuckles which lead Yumi to pout about it but somehow she think back what the ghost said the term 'trust her' on the woman who they going meet 'I don't know what should I do when I meet her' she thought as she continue walking with Paris down the stairs.

Your POV

'Ok where are they' I at the abandoned subway to look for the girl but it seem they hiding from me because this place huge like a cave so they can hide anywhere. I have been looking around for awhile now like 1 hour so but still couldn't find them which making my patience going thin here.

"oh me! Look like I lost in this dark and scary cave! I hope nothing creep behind me and kill me because that really unfortunate for me!!"I said loudly hoping they heard by my fake cry but nothing happening. I spin around and try another one but this time call out to them that I know they here with the kid"Ok toys I know you here and I know you have the girl!! So show yourself and hand over the girl peacefully and I promise you that your death will painless!!"I look around to see if they heard but nothing happen which I sigh on getting tired of waiting for them to show up.

'I getting tired of this,where are they?'I thought as heard footsteps that echo though the cave,I hide one of the pillar and glance the corner of my eyes hoping I could get gleam of whoever come here. I glance and to my surprise a little girl standing showing her back only but it seem she talking with someone but I can't see that person.

"Paris I got question?"

"Yeah? What is it"

A male,adults by the voice

"How come this place abandoned?"

"Well Yumi this place was abandoned because somewhere in 70s this place was bomb(don't take everything here real,is fake) by someone which don't know why tho"

"You mean terrorist did this?"

"I don't know but every sense then they stop using this part of subway and abandoned it"

The Dummy's Dummy (Paris x reader) A curses can be a blessingWhere stories live. Discover now