Chapter 12: The cat is out the bag

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"So spill it y/n, how you know about Lucy and Megan? And don't even dare to leave any info about it"Val said as he place he drink on the table. He order a black coffee with whip creams on to of  it.

You look at Val with nervous then nodded"alright I will tell everything you need to know my relationship with Lucy and Megan and everything you heard today"you sigh thinking how to start this explanation you going tell to both of them to understand on the story behind it but then you decided just go away back from the beginning on what happen.

"Val do know what my full name is?"you say to him which he nodded no"no,you had never mention your full name before"

"That because I want to hide it from people on the name I currently have in this female body of my"

"So what your current name then?"Paris look at you curiously but you stay for moment then reply to both of them"this female I currently in was name Ava Nyx Marin"

"Wait I heard name before,is one the famous company that produce one of the best app on social media and game production,if not mistaken"Val look at you which nodded on that"yes you are correct,the family I was reborn was the well known company I currently in but I sort regret on dying so earlier but what can you do about it"

"But how come you change to y/n instead of Ava?"Paris question which you sigh"because y/n was my original name that I was born with because each time I die I stuck with different name which annoying so I decided every time I die,I tell people my real name instead another name that each parent given their child"you take the sip of your drink then place on the table"in any rate let go back to topic. Megan and I was sort of,how you say......we like blood hate relationship. My grandfather introduce me to his partner daughter Megan when I was 8 and she was like 16 give or give or take on when this held but that not the only reason why my grandpa introduced me to her because since I going enroll to Megan high in such young age, my grandpa thought if I know someone over there it make me comfortable that, I won't be alone during the high school but little did he know Megan is spoiler little brat in school"you close your eyes thinking annoying brat in school,which you angry tick mark on your forehead"I swear I thought I going end her right then and then but I know if I did that,all my hard work will be gone"you sigh then continue.

"It was harder for me to be friend with her, knowing how she treat people lower then her so I stay my distance away from her. So over the cause of the months Megan pretend she didn't me which I don't mine,I would like to keep that way until one day I heard rumor around high school about name of Lucy who have been dealing bad thing outside of school which I know was not true because one for sure. Humans will lie no matter in order to cause that person to suffer but I know is non busy until the next day something happen which piss me off"


You were at hallway going to your locker but stop in your track when saw whole students gather around like show going to start. You got curious and went close a look but when you did your blood boil in anger what you saw. I males student is bullying a female student and what they say disgust you to the core.

Male student 1:"Come on sweetheart how much for one night,I can give more if you do it now"

Male student 2:yeah don't be shy,all of us will take good care of you,right boys"everyone cheering the student 2 while he look at her to agree with them but she shiver scare what going to happen to her. The male student 2 about reach out to her which you throw your book to his head.

"Ouch who dare throw at me!?"Male student 2 turn look around until he saw you"I did" you say as you walk forward toward the crowd with piss off look.

"Why you little brat! How dare you! Do you know who I am!?!"he grab your uniform in one hand pull you near to his face.

"Not really and I don't care. Treating lovely lady like her such rudely and shame action-"you grab his hand and grip hard on to him which cause him to groan in pain to let go of you"-deserves a punishment"

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