Chapter 6: A curse (part 2)

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Your POV
Everyone stay silent when I mention them I curse. I didn't want to tell them about it but I don't want them to come near me especially Yumi, the curse the unfortunate thing I held from my mother side of the family. A curse that I hate the most in my family bloodline that I wish I didn't born with it.

"What do you mean you curse?"

I sigh as look I at Paris then I rest of them"I cannot tell on the full detail about my past or who I am because I know we won't see each other anyway"

"Why?do you don want to see us again?"Yumi look at me with sad look in her eyes

"Is not that I don't want to, but is a best for you all to never see me or Val again. I am danger to you all if I don't be careful on my ability and the curse I carry"when I say that,we heard knock on the door. Lily get up from her seat and when towards the door and open which reveals Val who is smirking and waving to all us.

"Good evening all,please forgive me miss but I here to fetch y/n if you don't mine" he bow a bit,Lily move a side allow him to walk in to the house which he did.

"Lily and Iris this is Val my partner,Val this is Lily and Iris"



Both of them wave at him who he smile kindly at them"Nice to meet you both,is nice to meet a lovely young lady for a change and not a rude and rebel lady like this one here" Lily and Iris blush on the comments he make but you just smirk and shrug the insults he make"well at least I not old man who think that is right to flirt young woman who third their age"

"Hey I not that old!!! I 34 !! And don't tell them like that it sound I like perv which I am not!!! I trying to be a gentleman to be!!" He shouted at me which seem not to be listening because I was busy thinking at the moment.

He huff then sigh"whatever y/n, what we going to do now since we got handful by another one of your kind and a toy sitting here"

I look at him who look at me then I look at them who look at at me also"Well I going to explain about my....curse"

Val widen with this seeing that I going to tell a bunch stranger about my curse"are you sure y/n? I mean this is stranger we don't know about"

I sigh knowing he saying is true normally I won't tell other people other the Val, of course but seeing I have another person who can see them and know the situation she in and also know that killer toy exist. I really no choice but to tell her because I don't want her to end up like me and what my family did to me"Yes I sure,she need to know something about what kind of people is out their in order to be careful when she encountered people like me"Val look at with uncertainty but he cannot stop you on your decisions you making.

Val sigh then nodded"I cannot stop you,can I?"

I stay silent on that question,he sigh even more"fine,go ahead but must becare on what you say ok?"

I nodded to him with small smile"I will,I alway do"

I look at them ready to tell them about my curse"Yumi"

"Yes y/n?"

"Yumi,don't take this the wrong way so go all of you,I really don't want to hurt any of you. I really don't want to but...."I pause feeling my stomach getting weird on telling about it. Paris look at me knowing I feeling kind of scare to tell about it"take your time on this ,no rush"he said to kind and gentle voice which I nodded but not looking at him"the curse held is dangerous to all people including people who close to me. I have two curse that pass down my family for many year past. Paris,you told me what I meant on I not young nor old,right"

The Dummy's Dummy (Paris x reader) A curses can be a blessingWhere stories live. Discover now