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Taehyung stormed down the hallways as he sobbed into his palm, trying to blink away his tears to be able to see clearly but that wasn't happening. He pushed past plenty amounts of people, muttering half-assed apologies as he kept going.

His cheeks were burning red as were his nose, eyes, and ears all due to his crying and of embarrassment.

His hands were trembling, he was clearly scared of whatever just happened. The young teen had no idea where he was heading to, all he knew was he was trying to find Jimin or maybe even Hoseok.

But Hoseok was in gym class and that was on the other side of the school building.

"Tae?" He heard the soft voice of his closest friend call, Park Jimin, forcing Taehyung's head the other way. That's when Taehyung dashed over and hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder as his arms were wrapped around him, his arms quivering from his excessive amount of sobbing.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? What happened?" Jimin asked as he rubbed Taehyung's back. The bell rung, kids cleared the hallway and went into their assigned classrooms, all besides Jimin and Taehyung who stayed in the hallway.

"S-S-Suwun!" He wiped his eyes, trying to force his breathing down. "H-H-He touched m-me!" He whispered shouted, looking into Jimin's eyes who showed fear.

"He what?" Jimin pulled Taehyung close to his chest, stroking his back.

The younger sobbed out the event, muttering how he was only trying to use the bathroom and was groped aggressively from behind. He said how Suwun said erotic sentences that were quite racy and unpleasant.

"I-I'm sorry, Tae," Jimin cooed in Taehyung's ear, mumbling soft vowels to help calm the overwhelmed of the two, feeling bad for his friend.

Taehyung weeped, trying to hold back. "I-I . . . He got close and I- . . . I couldn't. I'm sorry," the slightly younger muttered on Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin rubbed circles into Taehyung's back. "Don't think of it, it's okay, I'm here for you." He breathed, not familiar with the presence of Jungkook who just walked around the corner.

The youngest being sent to investigate why the two weren't in a classroom just yet.

"What happened?" His awfully deep-seeming voice struck, making Jimin jump and spin around. "Jungkook! You can't do that!" Jimin scolded before he pulled back slightly from the younger. "Taehyung?" He stroke his cheek gently. "Can I tell Jungkook?" He asked softly.

Taehyung reluctantly looked to the youngest, biting his bottom lip. He shyly but surely nodded, wiping his stained cheeks.

"Some guy grabbed Taehyung and made him uncomfortable when he went to the bathroom." Jimin whispered so only Jungkook could hear.

When the oldest went to see Jungkook's reaction, he was disappointed when there was zero emotion. "Did you hear me?" He asked.

"And, who is this boy?" Jungkook stuffed his hands into his pocket, his tongue poking his inner cheek. "What's his name? Just to make sure if I know him or not."

"Jung Su-Wun." Jimin said. "I thought he was on your t-"

"He was. And not my team, Jeongguk's team." Jungkook interrupted the smaller one, turning on his heels and walking away without a further word to be discussed.

"Did that bit-,"

"Hyung," Taehyung sniffled. "Just leave him be." He said and pulled Jimin by his hand to start heading to a more secure and quiet place.

What they didn't know was Jungkook was speed walking down the halls, shoving any and everyone who got in his way.

He ignored teachers and direct threats. He'll deal with them later.

Jungkook shortly found himself in the gym class which he saw Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi all in. All their eyes going to Jungkook with pure confusion.

Namjoon cocked a brow. "Jeon-"

"Jungkook." He corrected, seeing Su-Wun just ahead of him.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in English?" Hoseok asked but got no response for Jungkook couldn't care less where he were to be at the current moment.

Jungkook pulled his fist back and decked Su. "You fucking prick!" He shouted, everyone who wasn't looking now looking at him.

The teacher ran over.

Suwun gulped and looked at Jungkook. "What did I do?!" He shouted at the younger.

Jungkook huffed and kicked him. "You know what you did!" He screamed, kneeling and punching him again until strong arms yanked him away.

Namjoon held Jungkook tightly. "What the hell are you doing?!" Namjoon frantically asked as he tugged the younger back.

"He touched-!" He didn't want to say Taehyung's name out loud. "He touched Taehyung. Taehyung is sobbing!" He whisper shouted to the older of the two, pure anger within his features.

Hoseok came storming over. "What happened?" He asked worriedly. "Taehyung needs you, Hoseok." Jungkook said and pointed out the gym.

"He does? Where is he? Is he okay?" Hoseok asked, biting his lip nervously, wanting to confront and comfort his friend who was in need of him according to Jungkook.

"He was by his locker with Jimin last I took notice, his next class is musical theater though so." The younger Jeon Twin responded.

"'Kay," Hoseok muttered before rushing off to go comfort his friend who was upset over something Hoseok still didn't know of.

The gym teacher was helping the beaten student up, asking if he was okay and if he needed anything for his busted lip.

"Jungkook," Namjoon started.

"I know, I shouldn't have done that. I should've waited until-"

"No." Namjoon cut him off. "Go on and finish." The older pulled back and crossed his arms. "I just ask you not kill him."

Jungkook perked before he sped back over, hitting Su again, gritting his teeth. "You pervert! You fuck!" He shouted, getting on top of the student who was back on the ground, beating his face like no tomorrow.

The teacher tried yanking him back. No one ever saw Jungkook beat a student, thankfully, most of the students within the gym class thought it was Jeongguk.

Namjoon and Jungkook were friends, nothing big. They knew one another quite well and Namjoon always gave advice into helping his younger friend with any needs, being there to be counted on.

Namjoon was well known around their grade, being one of the smartest in the school.

It took a moment before Jungkook was tugged away, sweat beading over his forehead.

Suwun has a black eye and a busted lips, his hair a mess, his face riddled with cuts and bruises from the angered twin.

"Jeongguk!" The principal came in, everyone's eyes attending to him. "I'm about sick of you bull, young man!" He approached the livid student who was mistaken for his brother.

"You'll be in my office. I'm not too sure if I should allow you to play in this game on Friday. To think you could make up your act and behave right." Mr. Choi narrowed his brows.

Jungkook went to shock. "Wait! You must let me play!" He lied, not really wanting to ruin his reputation, and, he believed he was good at manipulation.

Wasn't this lovely.

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