T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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"There you are,"

Taehyung opened his eyes, feeling his shoulder being rubbed. He looked up to see Jeongguk, pity expressed on his face. He knelt down close to Taehyung's side, keep his hand on his shoulder. "You look distressed."

Taehyung rubbed his eyes, shaking his head. "I'm just tired," he said, pushing up to his feet. Jeongguk couldn't move his neck still too much, helping Taehyung to his feet as much as he could.

"Are you sure? Everyone is looking for you." Jeongguk mentioned, worry showing over his features. "No one will tell me or any of us anything. Jungkook and Jimin are the only ones who know."

"It's nothing." Claimed Taehyung. He picked up his bag. "I got to get home soon. I have things to do." He shrugged, rubbing the tiredness.

He recalled the vivid memory of being hit in his face and Jimin seeing the whole thing. He didn't want to remember Minji at all. He thought he could forget him but this brought it back to him.

Taehyung always thought of other people. They had it worse than he did, he was lucky he only got that and not what some others go through.

"Are you sure? Jimin is crying his eyes out." Jeongguk brought up, rubbing the back of his hands together. He sighed once Taehyung just nodded. He couldn't help his curiosity, following Taehyung as he began to walk out from the staircase.

"Ya know, Tae, this isn't like you at all." He commented, placing his hand on the older's shoulder.

"What isn't?" Taehyung didn't like the way that sounded. He didn't want to be pitied, he looked back and smiled. "Wait, I brought it up to Jiminie-hyung but I want to dye my hair red. A vibrant red. How does it sound?" He asked.

Jeongguk blinked. "It sounds good. But-" He was cut off by loud sobbing and the yelling of Taehyung's name.

The two of them looked down to the left to see Jimin who was running forward. Still crying his eyes out.

Like or unlike Taehyung, he didn't want to talk to Jimin at the moment. He frowned before he turned, continuously walking down the hall to the exit.

Jimin ran, grabbing Taehyung's hand. "Tae, let me make it up to you, I am so, so fucking sorry!" Jimin pulled Taehyung into an embrace. "I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry! Please! You mean so much to me!" He buried his face into the younger's chest, clutching onto him. "I love you! I wouldn't ever purposely go out my way to hurt you!" Jimin said.

Taehyung sighed, wrapping his arms around the shorter teen. "I'm not mad at you," He muttered, looking at Jimin with a sad expression showing over his features.

"Why are you hiding then?" Jimin wiped his tears, pulling back slightly.

"I'm just upset you told Jungkook about him. We worked so hard on forgetting the stupid things he did to me, you helped me and then you brought it back. Jungkook didn't need to know. No one needed to know." Taehyung whispered, forcing a weak smile.

Jeongguk, Jungkook, and Hoseok all stood there, seeing how Jimin and Taehyung were now finally talking.

"I think this is a private thing." Commented Jeongguk. "I think we should leave them alone so they can talk to one another." He added.

Hoseok agreed. "Want to play me at basketball?" He asked the slightly older twin, smirking.

"Tsk, broken or no broken neck, I bet I can still kick your ass in basketball. You're on, Dick Mouth." Jeongguk declared, smiling in what seemed like forever. "Kook, wanna play us?"

Jungkook looked at them. "I don't know how to play basketball. You guys do that, I still have other things to do." He said with a shy smile, waving them off. He was just glad Jeongguk was going to be having some type of fun.

He turned back, seeing as Taehyung and Jimin were still talking. He heard a bit of the conversation, hearing as Taehyung told Jimin he wanted to work on forgetting this person again.

Jungkook wasn't sure if he wanted to know who this person was or not. Taehyung suffered enough and Jungkook preferred it if he didn't cause anymore damage to their friendship.

Jimin hugged Taehyung again. "Let's leave and go watch cartoons and eat big bowls of ice cream!" Jimin grinned widely, wanting to make it up to Taehyung for telling his business out.

Taehyung smiled, nodding surely. "We can go to your place, I want to watch it at your house!" He said. He looked up, looking over at Jungkook. "Oh! Do you want to come Kookie? You can join me and Jimin!" Said the second youngest, clasping his hands tightly together.

Jungkook sheepishly smiled. He wanted to hang out with his crush and his best friend but he truly needed things to be done. He also wanted Jimin and Taehyung to find their comfort in each other.

He kindly shook his head. "No, you guys go on ahead. Have fun." Jungkook smiled. "Tell me how the cartoon-watching goes, though. I'll text you later, Jimin." He bid farewell to the other teens.

Jimin was glad to have his friend back, even if it was just a few hours of silence, Jimin didn't know how he could deal with losing Taehyung as his closet friend. He didn't at all mean to hurt Taehyung.

The two waved Jungkook off and began to leave the school together, talking as if there weren't a problem to begin with.

They walked to Jimin's vehicle, hopping on inside. The two buckled up, Jimin pushing his keys inside of the hole it was meant for.

He started up his vehicle, preparing for the ride back to his place with Taehyung so they could cuddle up, eat big bowls of ice creams, and watch long cartoons.

Jimin decided to break the silence with a question he  knows he asked beforehand.

"So," hummed the older as he began to exit the parking spot. "How do you feel about the Jeon Twins?" He decided to ask.

"They're cool," Taehyung rolled his eyes. "You ask me this like every other day. It's time to drop the topic." He giggled.

"I just want to know if you're gaining anything for them. I know we just talked about it, but it's time to move on from that. Why don't you try and date one of the twins?"

"Date?! Are you silly?! When would either of the Jeon Twins be interested in me?! That's insane! Jeongguk is too good and handsome for me, and Jungkook just doesn't seem like the type to want to find someone to date." He mentioned. "I don't even think they're gay."

Jimin rolled his eyes as he realized how familiar that sounded. "Tae, they're gay, trust me. But seriously, they treat you differently. Have you ever noticed?" Inquired Jimin.

"I didn't know who they were before we all became friends so no, I haven't ever noticed anything." Taehyung giggled to himself.

"They treat me different to you, Hoseok and Yoongi different to you, they treat you with so much care. They should, you're literally a baby." Jimin cackled at his small joke.

"Says the one who can't even stand for five minutes without falling somehow." Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully, feeling a nudge on his arm.

"That was a one-"

"You kicked yourself in your face, fell even though you were sitting, slipped backwards on the gym floor, tripped over your own feet, shall I continue?" Teased the current youngest.

"I get it!" Jimin whined. "Now we're going to watch a scary movie." Declared Jimin, hearing the childish complains exit the lips of Kim Taehyung.

Man, was Jimin lucky to have a best friend like Taehyung. He was so forgiving but Jimin knew deep down inside that Taehyung was still upset about it. No doubt about it.


I hate this chapter so much, I'm so sorry.

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