S I X T Y - T W O

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"Jeongguk!" Taehyung said and grabbed his hand, trying to keep up with his boyfriend who was more than just pissed off. He tried to get him to listen and understand. "Please just stop!" He whined.

Jeongguk kept walking and walking, ignoring Taehyung. He turned sharp corners and pushed people over just so he could get by. He found what, or who, he was looking for.

His brother and Jimin who were waiting by Taehyung's locker. It was clear to the two waiting how pissed Jeongguk was.

It should be mentioned that Yoongi was following behind, quiet as quiet could be.

Jeongguk stopped abruptly by his brother and his friend. He was quick to grab Taehyung and pull him forward. "He was all up on someone."

"No I wasn't! It was a hug goodbye!" Taehyung tried to explain, rubbing his temples. "I don't know why you wouldn't let me explain!" He said.

"Well, you can explain now." Jungkook said, moving out of the way from Taehyung's locker so the aforementioned could grab his things out of it.

Taehyung mentally thanked Jungkook before he walked over to his locker. "Leehyun is a friend. He moved away five years ago and just came back. The principal asked me to show him around though he's already been here. So, I did." He said, opening his locker.

"You ignored all of our calls and messages why?" Jimin inquired, taking a glance at Jeongguk who was ticked off.

"I wasn't checking my phone, it was on silence. I was busy catching up with Leehyun." Said Taehyung. "I should've just messaged you all back, I know that."

"You never mentioned a Leehyun to me." Jimin added.

Taehyung looked over. "Never no need to. I met you two years after he left, I was already forgetting him and making new friends." He shrugged. "I met you and thought no point in telling someone I had beliefs in never seeing again."

Jimin slowly nodded. "Welp, I'm done interrogating." He uttered and stood up straight. "Yoongi, lets go to the arcade."

"Now?" The aforementioned asked.

"Why not," Jimin shrugged and went over. "We'll see you all later."

Yoongi rolled his eyes before he walked away with Jimin, the twins and saying back.

Jeongguk took a moment before he leaned over and whispered into Taehyung's ear, making the slightly older turn beet red.

"I should really take you home, bend you over my bed, and make you realize who you're dating. I'm your boyfriend, Taetae. Me." He said. "Don't slip up, I won't hesitate to pound into your tight hole and fuck you until you can't walk for weeks." He backed away.

Taehyung was crimson red, pulling out his bag and shutting his locker. "I-I have to stop b-by Ms. Jackson's room. So . . . Excuse me." Taehyung scurried away.

"What did you say?" Asked Jungkook as he watched as Taehyung hurriedly walk away from the both of them, not even taking a moment to look back, he just walked and walked and walked.

"Nothing important. But we should get to hanging out. You know why." Jeongguk looked at his brother with a serious expression.

"Are we really doing this? Today?" Asked Jungkook, a frown playing his thin lips.

"You bet." Jeongguk finally smiled, turning on his heels and walking away. "I'll see you at Seokjin's house!" The older twin called back. Jungkook couldn't help but to choke up on a few of his breaths, he nervous for everything.


"Thanks for letting me come with you guys," Taehyung uttered as he past by another robot racer in the game he was playing, the run down machine that ate the money up for the player to come in last anyways.

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