F O R T Y - E I G H T

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Taehyung stared at Jungkook for a moment, his eyes not caving in. It took him a moment before he just smiled, opening the door and exiting the vehicle that drove him to his parents house.

Jeongguk looked at his younger brother. "What was that about? What about his virginity?" He asked.

"Um, now isn't the time to talk about it. I'll tell you later if I can." Jungkook said before he rushed out of the driver side, shutting the door after him and running over to Taehyung, catching up with him in seconds since he wasn't far away. He took his hand in his own. "I'm sorry," he said in a whisper.

Jeongguk didn't take long before he caught up, standing behind the two. He didn't want to meet anyone's parents but for Taehyung, he would do what he could just to make sure his boyfriend was happy. If meeting his parents was the way to give him happiness, Jeongguk would be sure to do so without a second thought.

He had to admit that he was scared however, his heart beating out of his chest. He hid away his nerves as best as he possibly could.

Jungkook didn't seem too nervous with this. If anything, he was truly excited on the inside. He tried to forget his question, knowing Taehyung hated talking about his past and his troubles.

Taehyung minded himself, acting as if nothing happened in the vehicle. He rose his fist, slightly knocking on the door. He giggled, excited to show his parents his loving and caring boyfriends.

He talked so much about them, he showed photos of his boyfriends to his parents. Both his eomma and appa understood how he liked both the twins and wanted to date the both of them at the same time.

Taehyung luckily had very supportive parents who didn't mind who he fell in love with. They would always care for him no matter who he gave his heart up for.

The door was pulled open, showing a mother who had soft features, a pointy chin, was decently old but maintained young looks, and had eyes that looked just like Taehyung's. She smiled widely, pulling Taehyung into a tight embrace.

Soon to show up beside Taehyung's eomma, was his appa, presumably.

Jeongguk was stunned with how much Taehyung looked like his father. He nudged Jungkook's bicep, pointing out that fact and the other fact of how happy Taehyung looked to see both parents.

The aforementioned grinned widely. "Eomma! Appa!" He turned to look back at his boyfriends. "This is Jungkook and this is Jeongguk! They're my boyfriends!" He said with pure bliss and happiness.

The woman smiled fondly, placing her hand out to Jungkook first. "Hello, aren't you handsome! You both are!" She greeted. Her voice was welcoming and soft. She shook both of the twins' hands, welcoming them inside of her lovely home.

Taehyung's father didn't say anything, he just welcomed them. He wore the kindest smile known to man, almost kinder than Taehyung's smile.

Jeongguk looked around the room, very artsy, aesthetic, very pleasing to look around. He liked how the colors were calming and not shouting at him. Jeongguk always enjoyed soft, aesthetic colors, greys, soft and dull blues, etc.

"I already started on dinner for everyone. Tae, you can show them around and stay in your room if you want. I'll call you all down then." She said but something that caught Jungkook's eye was the gentle hand movements she made.

Taehyung eagerly nodded his head, hugging her one last time before he looked over to his father. "Love you, appa," he moved his hands around. The red head took his boyfriends' hands, leading them up the steps.

"I don't have video games we can play but I have a DVD player! We can watch movies and cuddle on my bed!" Taehyung giggled, walking them down to his room.

He pushed the door open, revealing his bedroom. The vibe already cutesy and soothing. The walls were a creamy white, soft wire lights hanging all around the roof with a few photos hanging from the said wire lights.

Jungkook thought it was all cute. This is what he imagined girls rooms looking like, if he were being honest. He entered the room, the soft scent of strawberries.

Jeongguk immediately sat on the soft bed, the sheets baby blue. "I thought you would've had a lot more things, like, shouting at me in your room. Color-wise." He commented, grabbing Taehyung's hand and pulling him over to sit on his lap.

The aforementioned giggled, kissing his cheek. "No, I like pleasing and . . . Dull colors, even though I don't think it's dull." Taehyung hummed.

"I have a question," Jungkook said randomly, making his lover and brother both look over at him.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes. "I think you asked enough questions today, Kook. Maybe you should hold back on this next one before you make people upset again." He commented, securely holding onto Taehyung.

Jungkook glared at his identical twin brother for a moment before averting his eyes to Taehyung. "I wanted to ask why you and your eomma move your hands? Is she deaf?"

Taehyung shook his head. "No, my eomma isn't deaf but my appa is. He is partially to fully deaf in both ears. Luckily, my eomma is fluent in sign language so she can communicate with my appa smoothly. I, on the other hand, am not. I'm learning how to do sign language." He smiled.

It was like nothing upset Taehyung. Surely the teen could be sad but he was unstoppable. He didn't let anything hold him back for too long.

"Was he born deaf?" Asked Jeongguk, making Taehyung look over at him. Taehyung answered immediately. "No, my appa went deaf about five years ago. At the place he worked, there was a mishap and he lost hearing in his left ear and some in his right, but as years go on, he slowly loses more and more hearing in his right. Now, it's to the point where he barely hears anything." He shrugged.

The room went silent, Jungkook just blinked, biting down on his bottom lip. "Oh," he mumbled, looking down. "Sorry, is it a sensitive topic?" He inquired, crossing his arms loosely over his chest.

Jeongguk wanted to butt in about Jungkook asking if it was sensitive considering the fact he asked something explicit in the car. He just bit his tongue, however.

"No, not really, I just don't have any reason to bring it up. It shouldn't be publicly known to the whole world." He answered. "Just, if you guys happen to talk to my father at all, be sure to look directly at him so he can read your lips. My eomma might be able to translate if you ask about it."

Jungkook was about to say something else but Jeongguk laid back, pulling Taehyung down to lay on top of him. "Well, I'm glad you all are recovering from that. Now, I have yet to get many kisses from you. I feel grouchy."

Taehyung's smile grew twice its size. He puckered his lips and kissed Jeongguk sweetly, looking down over him. The red head brushed soft strands of black hair out of Gguk's face. He pecked his lips a few more times. "There, kisses!"

"Wait! I want MY kisses!" Jungkook complained, narrowing his brows. He watched Taehyung push off of the bed, going over to Kook. Taehyung cupped his cheeks, pulling his face down and kissing his lips.

He was about to pull back until Jungkook held his boyfriend there, his hand holding the back of his head while the other began to grope at Taehyung's ass, needing the flesh in his hands.

The red head moaned softly, enjoying the groping. He kept his lips locked with Jungkook's. He again was going to pull away but he felt another body behind him.

The older was squished between two dominating teens, his body being touched and rubbed up against. Taehyung was moaning and groaning, unsure with which way he should take his hips; forward or backward.

"Boys!" A feminine voice called from down the steps, catching Taehyung's attention. He used his small arms to push Jungkook.

"W-We need to go downstairs," He panted, his face bright red, his hands trembling slightly. He was very flustered and worn out by whatever just happened.

Jungkook chuckled. "How are you going to go downstairs with a hard on like that?" He teased. Jeongguk snickered, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist. "Did we turn you on?"

"N-No," Taehyung covered his face with his hands, trying to hide his embarrassment away from the twins to no avail.


sorry. ;(
loaf you all.

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