F I F T Y - S I X

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Yoongi stood in front of his door, a thick lump lodged into his vocal cords. He felt his hands trembling and his head spinning. He didn't want to be here but yet he was. Jimin and Hoseok magically convinced the bleached-blond teen to gather a few of his things from his house but Yoongi only now realized how scary it actually was.

His father must've been home, he doesn't work. If anyone's out working, it's his mother and she wouldn't be home until much later.

Yoongi never really found his mother the issue, it was always his father. His appa. Not only was the man a recovering drug addict and in love with the burning sensation of alcohol tracing the insides of his esophagus, he was abusive. He lost his job to him slacking and the traces of illegal drug usage.

Yoongi's eomma worked a lot and was never home to see the trauma Yoongi went through. He stayed with Hoseok and Jimin the past two days. He was anxious the entire time. Hoseok liked them both but Jimin and Yoongi liked each other. But Jimin said he could see himself liking someone like Hoseok.

He found it all awkward. He didn't know how he should feel about it but it surely took a weird placing in his heart.

The teen snapped from his trance, bringing his fist up to tap on the dark-wooded door. It wasn't long before he was greeted with the drunken slouch also known as his appa.

"Where the hell were you?!" His father wasted zero time to yell at the teen, scolding him for not being here. "Do you know how worried your mother was?!"

"I'm here to get some of my stuff." Yoongi said dully, pushing past the drunk slob. His heart was pounding but he forced a nonchalant look to him.

"And why's that, young boy?" His appa questioned, cocking a brow. "You eomma would kill you if you left."

"I'm not leaving, old man, I'm staying at a friend's house for a few days. I'm sick of you treating me like shit." Yoongi spat. "Eomma won't believe me with anything I say. I'm sick of being treated like shit by you and not being believed by her." He said, going up the steps.

His appa shouted and yelled at Yoongi but the aforementioned didn't care. He felt so powered. It took him forever to stand up to the man for all the abuse.

Yoongi had been kicked out by both his parents before for 'lying' and 'starting issues'. His parents also didn't support his sexual orientation. His eomma praised and preached she loved her son no matter what but she didn't support him or believe him.

Yoongi never blamed her. He had lied about things numerous times. He's lied about where he would be, where he was going, who he was with, what he would be doing, and he's snuck out multiple times before. He brought this upon himself, no doubt about it.

He wasn't at all surprised she lost trust in him. Yoongi did wish she believed him about the abuse but she knew the type of son he was; a problem starter. He wished she saw the type of man his appa really was.

Yoongi knew that she was afraid of leaving him. One of her sayings were, 'if you don't find love before thirty, there's no point at all, give up'. She was afraid of never finding someone better beyond that point.

The teen had attempted so many times to help her realize how bad this man was but she would never take notice; blinded by the fear of never being loved again.

His father never dared hit Yoongi's eomma but he stayed home all day and drank the night away while Yoongi's eomma worked her ass off to provide fresh food.

Yoongi hated it. He wasn't going to run away, he was going to stay at Jimin's or Hoseok's house for a bit, just enough time to regain himself to a stable level.

The aforementioned would write her a small letter explaining why and where he would be, he would shoot her a message and then place his phone on Do Not Disturb.

Yoongi was finally going to try to regain himself. He would never say and claim that he hated the man that raised him but Yoongi hated every little second with the man he shared nowadays.

The insults.

The abuse.

The mocking.

Yoongi wasn't allowing that shit anymore and he would be damned if he accepted another second of mental torture for his father.


"You know how you said you think you could like me the way you like Yoongi . . . ?" Hoseok shyly inquired, watching Jimin look up.

"Yeah? Why do you ask?" Jimin hummed.

"Well, do you think Yoongi would ever like me like that? Like, ever? He's claimed he was asexual but here he is, sleeping with you, crushing on you, falling in love with you." Hoseok explained, shrugging lamely.

Jimin thought about it. He shut off his phone and set it beside him. "I think there's a possibility of him liking you the way you like us, yes. I just wouldn't know how soon. For all you and I know, that could take up to weeks, months, and years. I would hope after a few weeks of hoping you would learn to give up on the hope and move on to better things."

"It's hard, ya know. I watched him praise and brag about you. I've watched him be happy when he talks about you. He's planned on asking you out in so many ways in front of me all while I've liked him. That's not something I can throw away and move on." Hoseok muttered, rubbing his head. "At one point I wasn't sure if I liked or loved him."

Jimin sighed. "How did you move on from Taehyung?" He asked. "When you liked him and had a crush on him before, how did you learn to move on from him?"

Hoseok thought about it before he shook his head. "The way I liked him was immaturely. There's a different between having a crush and liking someone the way I do Yoongi. I found Taehyung, (and still do), extremely attractive. He was the most beautiful person I've seen when it came to boys and not only that but his personality was sweet and caring and that only made him more prettier if that makes sense. I've watched him stand up to bullies though he was smaller than them. I'm surprised now he didn't get his ass beaten to the ground but after being rejected . . . I kind of, I don't know. I don't really know when I stopped liking him."

"Do you still like him to this day?" Asked Jimin nervously, biting on his thumb now.

"No! No!" Hoseok shook his head. "I just never thought about it. Taehyung is an amazing friend and I'm sure he's an amazing boyfriend but I just can't remember a time where I sat there and knew I didn't have a crush on him anymore." He fixed, smiling to Jimin.

"Besides," Hoseok continued. "He's dating the twins now and he's the happiest he's ever been, even since-"

"Let's not say his name. The audience gets it. Taehyung probably is sick of the name by now. He compares everything to him and I rather Tae focus on his boyfriends. Speaking of Tae and the twins, he's meeting their mom today." Jimin changed the subject, smiling softly.

"Their mom? That sounds like fun. I wonder if their dad would like Tae too." Hoseok mentioned. Then he began to thought. "The twins don't mention too much of their parents."

"Well, the twins didn't really like you but you're right. Perhaps a sensitive topic they rather not disclose." Jimin suggested with a small shrug.

Hoseok hummed. "I guess." He didn't know what else to say. "I hope Yoons is okay. Beyond all of this, I hope he's okay. Think one of us should've helped?"

"No, it would've had less meaning and would've been less personal." Jimin said. "He needs to do this himself, for closure."


l|l|author note|l|l
I hate this chapter.
Sorry. Forgive me.

Friend of the year
goes to Jimin👀?

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