F I F T Y - F O U R

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Taehyung walked into the school, his hair now bleached blond. He had it pulled into a small ponytail on top of his head; apple hair. He personally felt cute but kept that to himself.

He and Jimin talked about a lot yesterday and one of the questions were of Taehyung's feelings for the twins. He wasn't sure anymore and was worried of messing up some way, shape, or form.

"Oh, come on, just be honest-"

"Jimin, I think I love them." Taehyung cut Jimin off abruptly, gulping away the thick lump in his throat. "I-I . . . I don't know, my heart skips so many beats for them, you have no idea."

Jimin stopped applying the pink hair dye to his hair, cocking a brow, looking over. "You think or you know?" He asked.

"I- . . . I know I love them. I would give everything to make sure they were happy, even though I'm stuck up and selfish." Taehyung said, pushing his bottom lip out. "They have my heart. They both do. I love them the both."

Jimin hummed softly, slowly nodding. "Then all there is to do is tell them, Tae. Tell the Jeon Twins you love them, won't you?" He looking back into the mirror.

"That's easier said than done, hyung. I know Kookie likes- loves me, but Ggukie. I-I don't know if he does. I don't think he does, he's not one for, ya know, feeling." Taehyung said nervously.

"There is only one way to find out, you know this." Jimin ran the dye throughout his locks, pleased with the look of it. He washed off his hands, soon drying them off. "Let me take a look at your hair, keep talking to me."

Taehyung sighed. "I know I love them. I want to tell them. I don't know how to find the words. Should I just bluntly state it or make it special?" Asked the younger.

"Do what you feel is right, Tae. I can't hold your hand the whole way through this and guide you. You need to figure this out on your own."

"B-But, hyung . . . I know I bring it up a lot but I messed up with Minji." Taehyung said, feeling the plastic bag being removed off of his hair. It reeked of bleach.

Jimin stopped and looked over Taehyung. "You can't keep thinking of him. Surely he fucked you over but Tae, he's in the past now. I think you should let him go. You now know what you're supposed to be doing and what not to do. You loving these twins is easy. You just need to allow yourself."

Taehyung nodded slowly. "Yeah . . . You're right. I should stop worrying about Minji. I love Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jeongguk. They're my boyfriends." He said with a proud smile.

Jimin grinned. "There you go! I'm proud of you!" He reassured. "As for your hair, it looks great. It's a pretty blond now," he said. "Let me wash it a bit and then we can blow dry it to make it all fluffy!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, standing up so he could walk to the tub to wash his hair out. "I appreciate you," Taehyung uttered.

"I'll tell them," he told himself. Taehyung promised he would tell the twins he finally loved them both, even if Jeongguk has yet to fall in love.

He walked through the halls, seeing Jungkook by his locker. As easy as it would be to say it back right then and there, Taehyung wanted to say it to both of them at the same time.

Jungkook picked his head up, smiling at his boyfriend. "Taehyung!" He slipped his phone away, reaching his hand out.

The older cocked a brow a bit before he took the hand. Jungkook pulled him close, wrapping his arms around his body. "I love you, you know that, yes?"

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