Waking up in unknown territory

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Hey everybody this is Carpboy009 here!

So i've been playing Metal Gear Solid V recently. Bought the game, can't get it out of my head. So that's why i'm intro ducing a new story because i'm just a person who can't figure out how to continue stories apparently.

This story I got the idea from someone on Fanfiction.net, if you wanna check it out, it's called 'Remnant only needs one Snake' by Project Ray. Actually pretty damn good in my opinion. Figured it'd be somewhat what i want the Snake i Know from playing this and a few other games that i have so... Why the hell not. Only difference that i'm going to make is that it's not the actual Big Boss. It's Venom Snake but he will wake up still THINKING that he's Big Boss. As in he hasn't been told his true identity... Spoilers for those who didn't know... Sorry but you've had like 4 years to figure it out on your own.

Also an announcement. SOME of my stories will be going up for adoption if anyone want's to take a crack at em. The only one's i WILL NOT allow to go up for adoption are the one's with OC characters, you know which one's, Watch dogs/RWBY, and UNCHARTED/RWBY... And whatever i decide last minute. Hit me up if you wanna try your hands on them. I've given up on trying to continue those a long time ago so i figured that it'd be better off if i give them to you. I'll write an extra chapter in each one to lead them to you guys.

Anyway with that out of the way let's get the somewhat better summery out of the way


It was dark. That much was obvious. Before a single concious thought was made, flashbacks raced through the mind as visions of what happened prior appeared in a rush. It was so much that it bolted him awake on the spot.

"Huh...?" Punished, Venom Snake, sat up on the cool grass during the night. Dark green leaves swayed along with the cool breeze on the trees surrounding him as he took in the sights... This... Wasn't what he expected. He expected to wake up in his bed back... Back on... Where was he from? He looked down at his hands. His right hand, gloved and rugged, was fine. When he looked at his left, he noticed it wasn't a normal hand. The Dark red color of the robotic, prosthetic limb dimly shined against the night sky as clouds parted just in time. He looked up to see part of the moon shining in all it's glory. But as the wind carried the cloud away, it revealed a sight that Big Boss didn't think would be possible. "What happened to the moon?" it was completly shattered, as if someone sent a large scale nuke straight towards it or some other weapon that had the same amount of fire power. "It's not supposed to be like-"

It was then that he noticed something strange. His voice. It sounded young... Too young. He should be around 52 years old right now. Not that he'd been keeping track, he didn't even remember his birthday but it was something that he just knew. But his voice now wasn't as raspy or as rugged as it used to be. It was somewhat smoother. Like if he'd gone through all of what he'd done at a younger age. He took another look at himself. He was wearing his Tiger skin camouflage from... Where was he before here? Why couldn't he remember. He looked to his side and found two different weapons, and could feel one on his back. He had a classic M-16 strapped to his side with a suppressor. He grabbed it and checked the clip, full. Strapping it back he also pulled out a side arm from his right, it was his upgraded Tranquilizer gun, also with a suppressor. Finally he decided to move to where he was crouching instead of sitting, where he pulled out the gun strapped to his back. It was a LRS-46 sniper rifle with a full Mag already loaded in, with a Muzzle added for better accuracy and a tri-pod. He threw it back over his back and stood up, looking straight back at the sky with that shattered moon. "Well, at least i'm not unarmed."

He looked around, deciding that just standing there wouldn't be the best way to spend his time, he started walking straight forward with no real goal of a place to go in mind. It wasn't like he had anyone on his... "-The radio!" As he walked he looked to his belt and found the tape player/radio he had for years. He pulled up the small headphone into his ear and tried to radio in different frequencies. "This..." He tried to remember something to help him. Suddenly his code name came to mind. "This is Snake. Can anyone read me?" Nothing but Static. He tried another frequency. "This is Big Boss to anyone listening, are you there? Respond." Again Static.

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