An Offer, from a friend or foe?

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Snake found himself in probably the worst scenario he could possibly imagine. He was stuck in an unknown aircraft, the likes of which he'd never seen before though he tried not to show it in front of his assailants, who were sitting next to, in front of and around him. Some with weapons out, some simply sitting, others talking non-stop to him. Asking him questions he simply either didn't know the answer to or didn't want to answer. Mainly the former.

The Red hooded girl from before, Ruby Rose, was sitting right in front of him, eyeing the others around her. The white haired girl and black bow wearing girls were next to her. With their weapons not drawn, but ready to use in case he did anything. The blonde haired girl was sitting the furthest away from him, yet kept a red eye on him, just waiting for a chance to sucker punch him. The other blonde kid had awoken thanks to the Greek spartan themed girl and was sitting closer to the exit, trying not to puke his guts out. It was just a few minutes ago Snake learned he had motion sickness. Go figure. It was the other red headed girl with the hammer that was asking non-stop questions while the Asian looking boy was trying to calm her down.

"You must be super sneaky if you knocked out our fearless leader, are you a ninja? You can't be a ninja, you have an eyepatch. HUH! Are you a pirate? A pirate ninja? OR! Are you some secret pirate ninja spy or something even cooler? What's with the horn on your head? Are you-" She was silenced by the boy next to her while snake shook his head. She was a child alright, but he really couldn't think that anymore. The more he looked at himself and focused. The more he realized that he was younger too. Somehow and someway, but he had no idea why.

It wasn't until a few minutes later when the pilot announced they would be arriving soon when the silver eyed girl spoke. "So... Why do you have that horn on your head? Are you a Faunas?"

Snake looked at her and slightly tilted his head. "what's a Faunas?" he asked Naively.

It was the black haired bow that had the most surprised face. "How do you not know what a Faunas is?" he frown still didn't help hide the shock in her voice. "You have to be lying."

"Can't be lying if i have no clue what the hell you're talking about." he replied as calm as ever.

"We're arriving back at Beacon academy. Thank you for flying air-vale transports. Have a nice night kids." the pilot announced as the air craft slowly hovered over some kind of air pad that resembled a dock for ships at sea... Just on a cliff over looking a big city...

If it wasn't for the giant shattered moon in the sky, Snake would have thought he fell into another coma... Coma? That was right... He fell into a coma but... That was a long time ago... He wiped his face and grazed the metal fragments lodged in his skull. The other kids noticed this, while ruby noticed he never answered his question, though she didn't bug him about it.

The girl with the blonde hair hopped out along with the boy in the green robes. The red headed girl and then the white haired girl both along them. They turned, looking at snake with their weapons drawn. The others still inside the aircraft were waiting for Snake to exit the aircraft. He just shook his head and sighed, doing so. When all members of the group exited the ship, it flew off towards the city and they all formed a circle around him. He once again shook his head and followed the lead of Ruby.

They were about half way into the school and Snake had to admit, it was a pretty expensive and luxurious looking school. While it really didn't give him any interests, he'd admit wanting to send his child to a place like this... If he ever had a kid of course. He found his way towards a set of elevators, looking more advanced than he knew they should. The door opened after one of them pressed a button and he entered with everyone else following.

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