Plans for the Future along with needed Intel

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It was the next day. Snake had to explain to Ozpin that Team Diamond Dogs had a new member, much to his dismay on Headmaster due to the paper work he needed to do. Which luckily for them, wasn't ever finished due to 'issues' with it's sending. In any case, Ozpin was introduced to Revolver Ocelot. The name given to him by earning it with his signature gunplay that only he was the expert in. Goodwitch was immediately against the idea of adding a new late student to Diamond Dogs roster but Ozpin once again let it slide, saying they needed to fill Snake's new team regardless. Also whispering to his assistant that the more of Snake's friends they help the better he'd be able to make use of their skills.

However, unknown to the two leaders of Beacon, Snake was already aware of what was going on. School was still boring but he'd been getting a sense that he'd been being watched since his return with Ocelot. He thought it being more cameras but there weren't any that were visible anywhere in Beacon. Another day passed and we find Snake in the arena for Combat class once again, watching his comrade Ocelot, who made his position in Team Diamond Dogs very clear, was fighting against one of the random students Snake had yet to even regard.

Ocelot pulling out his two pistols after having his fun with the CQC techniques taught to him by Big Boss himself. His two .44 colt revolvers spinning and twisting in his hands, making another show out of it. Distracting the audience and his opponent. Not even Glynda was immune to it. With that, he kept spinning the revolvers and fired them at the exact time at his opponent, still spinning the guns in his hands as he did so. This went on until 7 shots were made, where he then grabbed the pistol in his left hand, twirled his body once and aimed right for the student's chest, fired, and watched his body flail back to the ground.

Ocelot took a minute to reload his guns and holstered them both. He noticed his opponents weapon on the ground in front of him. In it's current state it was nothing but a small pistol that was previously a dagger with many different designs and engravings into it. Ocelot carefully picked up the weapon and examined it. "It's not every day that someone can easily hit me, let alone keep up with my skills. But this... This right here shows me all i need to know right off the bat." He mentions the dagger. The student who was slowly getting off the ground starring daggers (heh) at Ocelot. "That fancy trick you did. You see that in the movies?" Ocelot asked while taking the magazine of ammo out and pulling back the top half, taking the jammed bullet out of it. "This, is an automatic. Don't bother trying to dampen the recoil. You do that with a revolver."

Snake instantly knew what he was saying. A memory of when they met all those years ago in Vacuo. Snake had given him this exact same advice. A small smile was on the Boss' face. A feature that was noticed when Ruby and Yang both turned to glance at him. Ocelot coninued. "You are not 'a force to be reckoned with'. You are here to be taught how to be a Huntsman, not some bandit living in Forrest. So don't act like one. You need to forget, everything Mistral theaters taught you... And if i catch you bothering my Faunas friends again... You'll know it." His threat was not lost on the boy. Ocelot took two more steps closer, presenting the boy's weapon to him as if he didn't even know it was his. "Engravings... Give you no tactical advantage. Whatsoever."

He tossed the empty gun on the ground close to the bigot in front of him. "That was some fancy shootin... You're pretty good." with that he turned away, knowing the fight was over.

"Pretty good...?" he heard the boy mutter. In the matter of a few seconds the student had picked up the pistol, turned it back into a dagger and attempted to stab ocelot in the back. Ocelot had merely turned, grabbed his arm and shoved the kid out of bounds, ending the match.

"The Winner is Mr. Ocelot by Ring out! I must say, you gave us some tips that seem quite useful. Tell me, how did you come to learn this?" Goodwitch called out from her spot in the teachers stands.

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