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I didn't sleep. At all. But I wasn't sleepy either. I went to work with the same old energy which was strange. Was that milk secretly coffee?

I went inside my office. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here." The same annoying voice says as he turns around with my chair. I sighed, "shouldn't I be saying that to you? Anyways, leave the files there please." I said and settled my things. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down tiger." He stands up and wraps his arm on my shoulders.

"I'm someone you don't want to mess with. Unless you want your job gone, of course." He smirked. I shook my shoulder, making his arm fall back to his side as I rolled my eyes. I sat down and opened my laptop, turning it on.

"You don't have any files today." He said, sounding annoyed. "Really? So I'm free to head home?" I said as a joke. He laughed loudly before stopping immediately, "don't make jokes with me."

"Anyways, boss Lee wants to talk to you." He said, leaning against the wall, looking at his nails. I paused, "about what?" I turned to him. He shrugged, "I don't know which is annoying me. Why would he talk to you in private and not me? Unless," he dramatically gasped.

"You're getting fired." He started to fake cry. "That'll suck. Badly." I rolled my eyes and stood up, leaving my office. I may not look worried, but I actually am. Slightly. I made my way towards his office and knocked, clearing my throat.

"Ah, Wonho." Says his secretary. I smiled lightly, "I heard mr Lee wanted to see me?" She nodded and made room for me to enter. I entered slowly as she closed the door behind her.

Mr Lee was sitting by his desk and stands up when he sees me. I bowed as I approached him. "Oh you're too polite, Wonho." He laughed. I smiled lightly at him and sat down by his couch. He stands up and sits across me.

"What did you want to talk about, mr Lee?" I asked. "I wanted to ask you to do this.. somewhat weird and random favor for me that may or may not change your view of me."

My mind starts going to other places and I shook them mentally away. He's a senior, Wonho.

"W-What is it?" I raised my brows. "I need you to.. convince someone for me." My eyes widen a little bit, "I beg your pardon?"

He sighed, "my granddaughter." My mouth forms an o shape as I nodded even though I still didn't get it.

Then I remembered. Weird favor????? His granddaughter??? Right away, my mind wanders those thoughts.

Mr Lee probably noticed my change of expression when he realized what I was thinking about. "Not like that. It's.. something else." Right away, I heaved a breath.

"I need you to convince my granddaughter to work here. In my company." My eyes widened slightly, "what?" Mr Lee sighed, "my granddaughter never really wanted to work at my company but I'm sure she'd love it here."

I slowly nodded. "I don't know why she doesn't want to work here honestly. When she feels like something is wrong, she completely avoids it. Anything wrong."

There was silence. "I understand that this favor may make you uncomfortable, but if you manage to convince her to work here, I'll be the happiest man alive." I didn't respond. Mr Lee sighed, his body showing defeat.

"I'll do it." I said. His eyes widened and I can see a hint of spark. He stands up and bows numerous of times, "thank you." He said in a firm voice. "But can I ask a question?"

He nodded, "go right ahead." He sits back down. "Why me?" I raised a brow. Mr Lee didn't respond at first but ended up chuckling. "I know you can do this task, Wonho. I just know you can." He pats my shoulder.

"Instead of going here tomorrow for work, do you mind heading to my house? I'll send you my address." He smiled. I nodded, "sure thing."

We both talked for a while before it was my time to leave his office.

"So did you get fired?" Already, Hyungkyun asked with a smile on his face. I sighed, "no, no I did not." He swears under his breath, "goddammit."

I walked right past him. "So what was he telling you?" He starts catching up with my pace. I gave him a raised brow, "is it really your business?"

"Yah, don't be like that!" He whined. I didn't bother with him and resumed with my steps.

At least I won't be able to see his face tomorrow. Dipshit.


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